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At morning, Caira woke up suddenly. Benzie became worried. He quickly embraced her and consoled her. "What happened, Carrot? Don't worry. I am here. Calm down", said Benzie.

After a few minutes, when Caira got calmed, Benzie asked her about what had happened?
Caira said, "I just saw a scene of those t_tortures..." Her voice was breaking and she started to cry.

Benzie tried to comfort her, "don't worry, my Carrot. Someday, everything will get fine. It will take a little time but at the end, everything will be good. Believe me!"

For a moment, there was a silence between them.

After that Caira asked Benzie, "Will you please make my hair? I am not feeling good with them."
Benzie smiled and nodded, "But first, you should wash them."

Caira was silent and looked at her broken arm. Benzie cupped her face and exclaimed, "Don't worry about it. I have already appointed a nurse for you. She'll help you."

"But-", Caira got cut off by Benzie, "But I, myself will make your hair." Caira smiled a little.

Then the nurse came and helped Caira to get ready. Benzie went to cook for Carrot, himself.
After that, they had their breakfast. Benzie made Caira's hair and then was about to go to office.

Carrot said, "Bunny, I don't want to stay here alone."
"I know, Carrot. But I have to leave...........But..... What if u come with me?"

"No, no I can't do that. You will be unable to concentrate."

"But if you stay here, then, I will be more disturbed. So, you are coming with me and by the way, I have a surprise for you there."

After a small argument, Caira got ready to go with him.


They reached office. Benzie took Caira at a special area. He put her on blindfolds. They both reached to a special room, just behind Benzie's cabin. Benzie removed Caira's blindfold.

The moment she opened her eyes, she got all shocked . Her eyes went glossy and she became speechless.

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ~THE SCENE~ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

When Caira opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful lilac coloured room filled with flowers and plants and the corners and the moldings. A wall was covered with their pictures. The wall connecting the room to Benzie's cabin was made with tinted glass, that Caira could see Benzie but vice versa from Benzie's cabin so that Caira's privacy couldn't be distributed. There was a big TV screen in the room and a shelf, full of books.


Benzie asked, "Do u like it?"

"I love it. It's awesome, Bunny. Thank you so much."

Don't mention it. Do you want anything else, my majesty?", Benzie said dramatically.

Caira left a chuckle and said, "let'see. Can I have a laptop too?"

"A laptop? But why? I mean, you have a big screen over here," he said while pointing towards that TV.

"I need it to type. Since, my hand is injured, I can't write. That's why I need a laptop."

"Oh, okay. I will ask Suzane, my manager to arrange it. By the way, what are you going to type?"

"Nothing special." Caira replied hesitantly.

They continued to their selves. They had their lunch together. While resting in her special room, Caira typed something for a while, then read some books, stared at her bunny, noticed his activities, praised him secretly for his hardwork and perfection.

It became their daily routine. Caira used to sleep late, wake up suddenly, Benzie comforted her having their meals together, going to office, console each other, having cuddles at night, smile for whole day and love spread all over.


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