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Caira got healed with time. She was still scared of the world, barely talked to anyone else. But still, it was better than past.

A month passed. Caira's hand was okay now. Her bruises were better too. She started to go to school again.

Now, Benzie, himself, took the responsibility to drop Caira at school and pick her up.

One day, Benzie got busy with his meetings. So, he sent his driver to pick her up. But the driver got confused and went to some other school. Caira decided to go to Benzie's office by herself. She was walking to the bus stop. But she startled on her way when she got to see Han again. He tried to dominate her again.

But this time, Caira ran away from there. She was scared like hell. But then, she remembered her Bunny's words. "If you ever feel alone or scared again, you have to come to me first. But if you are unable to come to me then just go to our secret cave. You'll find your peace there from this hustling world."


When Benzie got to know that the driver hasn't reached Caira's school yet, he, himself, decided to check on her.
First, he went to school and checked all over. But didn't find her.
Then, he went to their apartment, but it was locked too.
Then, he finally remembered his own words and went to the cave.

He reached the cave and softly called Carrot.

Caira, who was a crying mess at that time, heard her Bunny's voice. She went to him and hugged him tightly. As soon as, she hugged him, he engulfed her in his embrace. He made her sit on his lap and calmed her down. "Shh_ don't worry, calm down. See, I am here now. Everything is fine. Calm down."

Caira was sobbing hard. So, Benzie decided to sing a song for her. Benzie started to sing.....
  # When you try your best, but you don't succeed.............
            .......And I will try to fix you #

Benzie's soothing voice calmed Caira. She was sitting like a baby in Benzie's embrace.

After a few minutes, Benzie broke the silence and said, "Feeling better? Now, tell me, what happened."

"He came to see me again."

"Who? Who came to see you again?", Benzie asked in confusion.

"The one who hurted Carrot."

Benzie got all nerves but kept himself calm for Caira. Benzie again asked, "What did he do, now?"

"Tried to touch Carrot again," Carrot replied.

Benzie was so pissed off, but at that delicate moment, he tried to calm Caira first. He said, "Carrot, now listen. You will find thousands of people who'll try to hurt you. You should be the one to bear all the pain or the one to fight it all. I will always be there with you. But it's your fight. You've to go through it by yourself. You've to be that stiff Carrot again who didn't cry even after those tortures and traumas. I CAN BE YOUR HEALING BUT YOU HAVE TO BE YOUR OWN HEALER."

Caira listened everything carefully, she collected her broken self and said, "I understand it all but those 10 days haunt me again and again. I am trying my best but still....."

"I know, Carrot, it's hard. But trust me, everything will get fine soon. I am here. I'll help you to heal. Don't stress yourself."

They spent some time there and then went home. After having dinner, giving Caira her medicines and make her sleep, Benzie took out his phone and called Robert, his personal secretary.

          ~~~~ON THE PHONE ~~~~

BENZIE- Hello!
ROBERT-  Good evening Boss. You called at this time? Is everything alright?
BENZIE- Not really. I want you to find someone.
ROBERT- Who, boss?
BENZIE- Find that bastard, Han, who tried to touch my Carrot _ I mean Caira. I want him alive or dead. Caira told me that he is in our city only. Find him as soon as possible.
ROBERT- Okay boss! He'll be in front of you in maximum three days.
BENZIE- Hmm, good.
ROBERT- Good night boss. I'll take care of it.

Benzie hummed in response and hung up the call.

Benzie went near Caira, laid down beside her and caressed her forehead and whispered, "I won't leave him who hurt you, my Carrot. I'll be your healing and his pain."

He then, slept near her.

             TO BE CONTINUED
              STAY CONNECTED

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