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Caira was healing with time.

Weeks passed and Caira and Benzie became happy. Now, it was a special day for Benzie. He got a big contract and was dancing with happiness.

He went home. There, Caira was painting a picture. He went to her silently and back hugged her and lifted her up in happiness.

"Welcome home, Bunny. Why are you so happy?"

"I am happy because of you."

"Me? But what did I do?"

"You remember the presentation you helped me with?"

"Of course, I do. It was so fun."

"Yeah, I got the contract because of that presentation only. I am so happy. Ask me for anything today. I'll give you everything."

Caira saw it as a chance and asked, "So, can I go abroad my further studies?"

Benzie got confused when she popped up with this wish out of nowhere. "What? Abroad? But why? Why not here?"

Caira turned to Benzie, held his hand and said, "Bunny, you know, I love art. I want to become a writer and also want to learn other artistic skills. I want to join XXX University. It is the most celebrated University for arts. Please, let me join it."

Benzie was silent for a moment. He jerked Caira's hand softly and went away while saying, "It's a big NO."

Caira followed Benzie while blabbering continuously, "Please Bunny, it's my only dream. Let me go, why don't you agree? Don't you want me to get successful like you? Please Bunny..........."

After listening to Caira's everything, Benzie blurted out, "Carrot."

Caira got silent.
"Carrot, of course I want you to get successful like me, even more than me, but I don't want to let you go away. Do whatever you want to while living here. But you aren't going anywhere."

"But why not?" Asked Caira with annoyance.

"Because, I am saying that," Benzie slightly raised his voice.

Caira never saw Benzie being upset on her. Her expressions changed suddenly. Benzie noticed it and went near Caira.
"Carrot, see I can't let you go far from me. You know that I have spent my most time of life with you. So, tell me, how can I let you go away?"

"I know that we've spent our most lives together. But try to understand, it's for my future."

"Carrot, no means no."
Caira made a big pout and sat on the couch like an angry bird.

Benzie chuckled at her this behaviour. He went to couch and sat near her. "Hey, my little angry bird, don't be like this. I'm sorry."

Caira didn't reply. Benzie rested his head on her shoulder and said, "So, my angry bird is not going to talk, hmm?"

Caira shook her head. Benzie said, "Carrot, please talk to me. You know I can't stay without you. Then, why do you want to go away? Tell me?"

Caira just sat silent.

"Carrot, WORDS, tell me why?"

"I also don't want to go away from you but for my future, I have to."

Benzie sighed and said, "You can study here. Take online classes or join some other University or coaching here. But you aren't going anywhere."
Caira got more angry. "Okay, I am not going anywhere."

Benzie smiled with a relief. Caira added, "but if I won't go, then I won't talk to you."

Benzie was taken aback by her words but said, "Alright, your choice."

Caira was shocked but shrugged it off.

Benzie thought that Caira will forget everything tomorrow and he'll make her up.

But it didn't went like that.

Next day, when Benzie woke up, he found that Caira wasn't in the room. He tried to find her everywhere in house but didn't find anyone. Then he found a note on the kitchen counter, written with, "I'm going school by myself."

Benzie got nervous. He was afraid that what if something happen again but fortunately he found that Caira went school with bodyguards.

At night, when Benzie came back from his office, he found Caira sitting in the balcony. He went to her. But, as Caira felt his presence, she left from there. Benzie was confused ant her behaviour. He followed her but she didn't talk to him. Benzie tried to ask what happened to her but she didn't even look at him.

Benzie finally understood. He went to her and said, "so, you aren't talking to me because I rejected your wish to go abroad, right?"

Caira ignored him. Benzie tried again. " Please don't be upset on your Bunny, Carrot. You know, why I am saying no to you. I can't live without you. Please understand."

Caira replied with a cold face, " why can't you understand, Bunny that it's for my future. I need to go there."

"Now, you are being stubborn, Carrot."

"I am not being stubborn, you are being stubborn, Bunny."

Benzie got pissed off. He shouted on Caira for the first time ever. "Enough is enough, Caira. You are being stubborn day by day. You aren't going anywhere and that's final. Now, come to dinning table and have dinner."

Caira's heart broke when Benzie screamed on her. She wanted to cry but didn't let herself get weak. She said, "I'm full with your words only. I don't want to eat."

She stormed to her room then.

Caira's words made Benzie realise his behaviour and what he just said to his Carrot. He ran and followed Caira to his room. But she had already locked herself there. She was silently crying in her room. Benzie knocked the door but didn't get a response.

"Carrot, I know you can hear me. I am sorry, Carrot that I shouted on you. I am really very sorry. Please open the door. We can talk about it."

But Caira didn't reply him. She was really upset with his behaviour.

"At least, have dinner."

"Go and have it by yourself. I don't want to." Caira replied coldly.

"I am sorry Carrot. Please come outside." But all this was in vain.

He waited for Caira to open the door but she didn't. So, he went to his room. He unknowingly fell asleep without having dinner.

A week passed like this and Caira ignored Benzie completely. She wanted to hug him badly and tell him that she want him, to be with him but her self-respect stopped her from doing this.
Benzie also wanted to talk to her but got really very busy with his new projects.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.    THANKS FOR READING.






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