To be or not to be

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It was 6:30 am in the morning when the plane landed in paris. Beautiful sceneries, pleasant atmosphere and romance everywhere.

It was basically a kind of honeymoon for our kinn and vegas and ohh..look what kind of luck they have. people come for honeymoon deeply in love while our couple have come here deeply in hate. people come here to make promises of forever while our couple don't believe in forever and lastly people actually come for honeymoon while our couple don't even know it's their they have come here to find kinn's father aka in their indirect honeymoon.

kinn and vegas finally came out of the plane. "we are here, but tell how will we find pa? paris is not a small place you know right?" asked kinn and vegas replied "yeah don't and others are trying to track their location we will find them soon".

kinn kept standing there while vegas started walking leaving kinn behind.." where are we"..kinn looked beside him and saw vegas was not there. He understood that vegas left him alone here. kinn started searching for vegas and finally found him.

kinn saw vegas sitting in a table with a boy..he looked young as if a collage student..maybe 19 or 20. That boy was slim, white, blonde with blue eyes. Totally vegas's type and ohh the loveliest past was vegas was damn good in English. His English accent is something that's irresistible.

He saw how impressed the boy was on seeing how good vegas was in english even after being thai. His blood boiled as he saw vegas touched the boys thigh.

He had enough of this shit. He took his gun as he merges towards vegas and places it infront of his chest. His face was red from anger and his body was shaking because of the anger.

vegas looked at kinn as he smirked at him teasingly and then looked at the boys who was frighten by the gun.

vegas said to the boy "Don't worry, he is my cousin and the gun is fake" and held his waist slightly, now that was a bad move. kinn raised the gun from vegas's chest to the air and fired. All people started running out from the place but the boy was still there kinn finally said "you want to die in such a young age or what boy, this man is already married, i hope you get it" abd and th his relief the boy finally went out from the place too.

vegas looks at kinn and said "people are right when they say kinn theerapanyakul is very possessive of his possession i see"

kinn just keeps looking at him before punching his face hard. The punch was so hard that vegas's nose started bleeding. kinn said "Who the fuck you think you are, you left me behind alone and now you were literally flirting with that random boy. Do you have any shame we are here to save my father not to set you with some random boy "

vegas just kept looking at him and said "i am no one to you, we are nothing to each other, then why is it bothering you so much..we are not really husbands, it's just a matter of few more days, stop thinking that you have any right over me"

kinn just tugged his gun back in his pocket and said "i know, you don't have to remind me about this thing" and walked away from the place and vegas followed him behind.

They both reached the hotel and kinn said to the staff "Excuse me, we need 2 rooms for 5 days" which made vegas frown " Why do we need 2 rooms, 1 room will be enough for us" 

The staff asked "you both know each other?" to which vegas replied "we are husbands" the staff smiled at him and said "ohh..then why do you guys need 2 rooms, 1 room is fine right,  we have a honeymoon suite too"

The staff said and kinn widened his eyes and said "No, i don't want to share any room with him, just give me a separate room" vegas smirks and says "ohh..wifey you are still angry forgive your hubby na, don't ruin our honeymoon baby, daddy can't sleep without pounding inside you"

kinn just gives him a wtf look and whispers "what the hell you are talking about that too infront of so many people"  vegas then just hugs him from behind and puts his chin on kinn's shoulders before saying "Baby all couples fight but that doesn't mean they stay apart from each other"

The staff just fake coughed and asks again "Hm..sir so what room would you like to have?" and before kinn can reply anything vegas replied "We would like to have the honeymoon suite" and the staff smiled giving them the keys of their room.

Kinn's heart was beating fast as if it will come out from his chest any time soon.
He can't deny that whenever vegas is close to him..he always experience some kind of feeling which is not something one should feel with his enemy, but now they were not just enemies but husbands as well.

while with vegas, he feels stupid for actually choosing to stay with kinn for 5 days. He still hates kinn and will always hate him but somehow his heart is not listening to him.

They both entered into their room, it was huge, fully decorated, there was a big bed, a huge bathroom, and a balcony. Vegas looked at kinn before saying "You go take a bath and after that we will eat something and then fimd your father" kinn nodded and went to the washroom and after 30 minutes he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Vegas who was busy in his phone noticed his presence and took a glance at him and ohh..this bastard actually had a good body. "Take a photo, it would last longer or i am afraid i might snatch your eyeballs" kinn said without even looking at him.

vegas just went into kinn and pinned him to the wall before saying "Hm..if You keep talking like that to me then i am afraid we will not leave the room anytime soon. i will fuck your brain out and you won't be able to walk for all 5 days we are here"

kinn just looked at him and said " Huh..look who is saying, i gave you a chance to fuck me but i can still walk, you are all talk"

"Ohh..really let me remind you were hissing in pain whole day just by one round, then imagine what will happen to you once i go for more then 1 round" vegas said and kinn snapped his head towards vegas.

Both had a eye contact and for the first time in their life they saw any other emotion for each other. It was not hate, not love either but it was NOT HATE.

It was vegas who broke the eye contact and pushed himself away from kinn. "Whenever pa and others find a hint about your father they will inform us"
kinn was still lost at the emotion he just said "what will we do till then?"

"well...i guess we can do something fun what do you say?" vegas said trashing his fingers from kinn's face to him manhood.

"I hope you remember the contract" vegas said as he dragged kinn towards the bed and hovered over him.

kinn just looked at him as vegas came closer to kinn's face and was about to kiss when someone knocked on their door and.........

hey, it's your author this side. I Will try to update at night if possible. hope you liked it. This chapter is not good enough but i tried my best to upload as soon as i can please look forward to the next chapter.

You're only mine for now !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora