Ignoring you all day!

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Kinn was the first one to wake up. He saw vegas peacefully sleeping on his chest and he smiled widely. This man was not so tough and rough if you know him he is like a child.

He kept smiling like a mad man when he remembered last night. He remembered how vegas ignored him for straight 2 days. How much he made him restless, worried and somehow sad.

"why it feels bad when he ignores me,why ican't see him in pain. what is happening to me?" as if he was lost.

Then he shook shook his head to clear his head. He don't want to think about his feelings,not when...when it can ruin everything.

Kinn sighed heavily as he tried to separate himself from vegas. After some attempts he finally separated himself from vegas as he tried to get up. He felt a sudden pain in his lower half.

Still he somehow managed to walk to the bathroom as he got ready and went downstairs without waking vegas up.

vegas woke up as he saw he was alone in the bed, he remember kinn was sleeping beside him and now he was not there. Vegas remembered how last night he almost lost kinn.

He quickly went downstairs as he sighed feeling relived to see kinn making breakfast he went towards him and hugged him from behind.

kinn who was determined to get his revenge, kept a poker face as he din't gave any reaction.

"why didn't you wake me kitty?" vegas said in a teasing voice as he was sure kinn will definitely react to his name but kinn said nothing.

"kitty my foot, you bastard.  i am a Lion you must be rat..how badly i want to kill you and scratch your face" kinn thought as he rolled his eyes.

vegas got no reaction again, today they had a important meeting to attend hence he went to gef ready and after he left kinn smirked as he said "i will make you regret ignoring me Mr. vegas theerapanyakul" he had his breakfast as he left for the meeting without even waiting for vegas.

Vegas came downstairs and started searching for kinn but he was nowhere to be found. so he called Porsche and asked "Porsche, kinn already reached the meeting place or not?" as Porsche laughed and said "Why, you don't have a track of your own husband huh?" he questioned back as vegas got angry and said "Uhh..tell me he is there or not" he asked as Porsche said "Yes mr. your husband is already here, now we are waiting for you to come" he answered as vegas sighed in relif.

He say a note in the dinning table it said "i cooked for you as well, don't come to the meeting with empty stomach- kinn"

He read it and unknowingly smiled. For the first time in his life someone, a certain someone cared about him. The person he once used to hate..wait! so now he don't hate kinn anymore ofcouse he does. His mind argued saying he still hates kinn "You hated him all your life, how can your feelings change this soon" and heart argued "Feelings always change with time, first impressions are not always the last impressions"

Vegas was confused between the fight of his mind and heart. He didn't thought much about them as he ate the food made my kinn and went to the meeting place.

vegas reached the meeting place and saw everyone was giving him a look.
Not an angry one, but rather a teasing one, as kinn was looking down..wait his face was all red. He raised his eyebrows as if asking what was the matter. Thanakhun just said "Ohh..nothing actually kinn came limping here so we were just thinking what could be the reason behind it" and macau continues by saying "you still haven't understood the reason. They missed the party last night, and p'kinn was all whiney and messy when i called them and now he is limping" as everybody laughed gosh! kinn wanted to dig himself. He will die from embarrassment.

Porsche again continued the conversation saying "This two are so desperate to see each other. Vegas just called me all tensed to know uf his husband reached here or not". Everyone kept laughing as kinn and vegas both went red.

Kinn smiled secretly that vegas actually cared about him. He knew vegas suffered a lot, he is still suffering and all kinn wanted was vegas to be happy.

It was the first time in his life that he didn't asked anything for himself. He somehow felt that it was for himself as well. He wanted vegas to be happy because...it made him happy. As if vegas was a part of him, a part of his life which turned from a worse nightmare to a beautiful reality.

They started the meeting and kinn din't spoke a single word to vegas now cegas was annoyed and angry. "So..anyone wants to ask anything?" kinn asked as he stated his point as vegas pulled kinn closer to himself and said "i have a question?" vegas said.

Everyone gave them a teasing look as kinn said "you-you c-can ask decently, what was the need to pull me?" kinn asked trying to back away as vegas gripped him more tightly.

"Ask what you wanted to ask?" kinn said as vegas went near his ear and whispered "When will we go to home?" and that's it.

Everyone started to laugh and tease the couple pete said "They are so impatient" as macau rolled his eyes before saying "Yeah..says you"
"Baby..be grateful i am not like your hia, you would not have been able to handle it" pete continued as macau says "Huh!my hia is very gentle ok, he is always gentle with me so he must be gentle with p'kinn too" trying to defend his hia but pete again said "ohh..really just now you saw kinn is not able to walk properly..with you he was gentle but judging by the hickeys kinn have in his neck i don't think your brother is gentle with khun kinn"

They were about to argue more when......

hey!tell me if you liked this chapter or not? i will update soon and please comment down what you think about it. It's not a long chapter but a cute one..
after such heavy smut i thought to give them a sweet one.
bye babies ❤❤

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