under my mercy!

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Vegas and kinn reached the said location.  It was a quiet area and the route was quiet scary and old. When they entered they saw kinn's father lying lifelessly and they saw some men standing with guns. kinn and vegas both rushed towards them and after a heated battle finally ended all the enemies but the problem was their main target the leader of the group was not there.

kinn and vegas quickly lifted kinn's fathers body and quickly admitted him in the hospital. Ater 2 days he gained consciousness but he was still very weak. They left for Thailand and after reaching Thailand the first thing kinn's father did was he called for a meeting with vegas's father.

kinn and vegas insisted to attend the meeting too but their father's refused them to do so.

kinn and vegas both came to their home. They glanced at each other and vegas said "Do you wanna be my friend?" and kinn looked at him with a shocked face "you really wanna be my friend" as vegas replied "yeah only if you want to" and kinn nodded with a smile.

They both shook hands and went to their own separate rooms to rest. After some time kinn knocked at vegas's door and asked "vegas are you up, wanna join me to the club" and a voice came from inside "Yeah, i will join too".

After some time kinn was waiting for vegas to come downstairs. He saw vegas coming downstairs while wearing a white shirt, 3 top buttons opened, giving a good view of his chest and a grey pants.

kinn looked at the man from head to toe and tf he forgot to breath for a moment. Tho some similar situation was with vegas as well. The man looked eternal. Totally breathtaking, ready to be devoured.

They both went inside the club and kinn whispered in his ears "close you buttons people are drooling over you" as vegas smirked pulling kinn closer "it's not the people who are drooling over me,but you..who is drooling over me as if eye fucking me"

Kinn annoying rollled his eyes and said "i am not drooling over you, stop thinking so high of yourself" they both sat and talked about random things.

Their hobbies, their likes, dislikes, what they wanted in life and what they hated in their lifes.

Kinn asked vegas "vegas, you ever loved someone" hearing this vegas stilled for a moment, he was already drunk. He thinks for a few minutes and whispers "it doesn't matter, if i love somebody or not, cuz i am not someone who deserves to be loved. i am cruel, i am a monster. i saw my mom dying in front of me and i couldn't do anything. i couldn't save her. even she didn't thought of me, that how will i leave without her. My dad never loved me, he always wanted a son like you, not someone like me...i am just a burden to everyone" vegas's eyes turned teary as he looked broken.

Kinn was shocked to hear vegas's words. This man was broken. He was neglected to the core that now he thinks he don't even deserves to be love. As he saw vegas's teary eyes he felt something breaking inside him. He felt a pang inside his heart. He would never have hated vegas, if he knew all this.

Kinn quickly hugged the man tightly. He can feel the man shaking and shivering in his embrace. Vegas mumbles something " leave me, please leave me cuz if not now oneday you will definitely leave me" vegas said and kinn's eyes turned teary as fat tears started to leave from his eyes.

He quickly separated himself from the hug and cupped vegas's face as he whispered "i won't leave you vegas..you are only mine for now"

They both went back to their house as kinn carefully took vegas to his room "vegas, take a bath if you want to or if you don't then just take a bath" kinn said and was about to go when vegas grabbed his hand to stop him.

kinn looked at vegas and thought that maybe vegas needed something. he kept looking at him in hope that he may say what he want.

Vegas kept looking at him, as if he was scared that kinn will leave him. He kept clutching onto kinn as a child seeking for some warmth.

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