Stop looking at me like you love me!

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They both went to a amusement park as kinn said "Amusement park? you wanted to come here?" as vegas sad "i..never came to a amusement park, i had no one who could take me here" as kinn looked at him with a soft look.

It was not a look of pity, or sympathy rather it was a assuring one, a comforting one, a caring one. Vegas kept looking at kinn's eyes as if he was lost in them.

No body have ever made him feel like this. No body have ever made him feel so special. No body have ever made him feel so safe. No body have ever made him feel so weak.

Vegas still had no idea that was it this person who made him feel weak or was it his own feelings that made him so weak.

These feelings felt like committing a sin, yet he felt like he is going to heaven. It felt like a forbidden fruit yet he wanted to have a taste of this. It felt like a path that had no destination yet he wanted to walk on it. Vegas felt so helpless at this moment. His heart and mind both are not ready to lose and now heart already went far away from the grip of mind.

Kinn on the other hand saw hate in vegas's eyes. It was not for him but for himself. His eyes showed darkness, it was beautiful yeah it was but kinn wanted to see the light in vegas's eyes.
The light of happiness, the light of love.
Vegas's eyes showed fear, fear of losing someone again, fear of loving someone again, fear of wanting someone again.

"stop looking at me like you love me" vegas thought as he looked away. But kinn said something out aloud "Your eyes are beautiful" as vegas snapped towards him and said "No..they are not, they are empty, dark" as kinn smiled at him saying "They are not empty vegas, they are beautiful as i said. They show the emotions you will never say and they share the secrets you don't dare to share" as they both went near a rollercoaster.

Kinn finally looked at the rides as he excitedly said "let's go to this one vegas" as vegas said "Are you sure, you might vomit or worse you might pee in your pants" as kinn kicked him and said "You are coming or not?" as vegas nods and held kinn's hand as they sat on the rollercoaster.

They sat on the rollercoaster as it started kinn held vegas's hand tightly as they both screamed with joy and thrill. It was new for both of them, someone's company, this freedom, these feelings. Everything was new.

After a thrilling ride both went near icecream corner as vegas asked "wanna eat icecream?" as kinn nodded and said "i will have a mango flavoured icecream" as vegas went to bring their icecream.

kinn sat on a nearby bench while waiting for vegas. Kinn was left in his own thoughts.

How his life changed after marrying vegas,how his feelings changed afger thus marriage. They both knew each other from the day they were born but never once they felt any other emotion for each other other then hate.

Now he doubted whether he really hated vegas or it was just that they were not ready to understand each other.

Ever since he started to know vegas, started to understand him more kinn is unable to bring himself to hate vegas.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed when vegas came and stood near him "Kinn..Kinn KINN" as kinn finally came out of his thoughts.

Kinn saw vegas was standing there with a smile on his face and 2 icecreams in his hands. Kinn smiled as well as he said "come sit here" patting the space beside him.

Vegas handed kinn his icecream and sat beside him while giving his icecream a lick.

"vegas do you like traveling?" kinn started a random conversation as vegas replied "Not much, you know the work load and also i don't have a companion to travel with" he said as kinn nodded relating with him.

"What's your favourite food?" he asked another question as vegas teasingly replied "you" and kinn stomped his foot on vegas's as he screamed "Fuck you" and kinn laughed as he said "you actually can"

"Why are you asking so many questions today?" vegas questioned as kinn still jokingly said "Your loss, i was giving you a good offer" as vegas joined the game as he said "Don't tempt me or i might actually take your offer" as kinn said "In your dreams"

Vegas asked again "seriously, tell me why are you asking so many questions today?" as kinn replied "sometimes answering some questions helps you to understand yourself better" as they kept talking and finished their icecreams.

It was eveningalready as they sat on the bench . kinn looked at vegas who was already looking at the sky he unknowingly leaned his head on vegas's shoulder as vegas smiled still looking towards the sky feeling a wave of happiness inside him.

They were sitting in a comforting silence both of them were looking at the sky but were thinking about each other.

Kinn suddenly started speaking " you know when i was a kid, i wanted to live a normal life, i wanted to have a normal family, i wanted to dream and i wanted to fulfil them but as i grew up i realised till now i was living in a fairy tale like a day dreamboy because in reality i was tied in the chains of responsibilities yet i always try my best.
As i grew up i realised that i had no interest in girls but boys. I was scared, scared about what pa will say..will he scold me? will he slap me? will he disown me? will he regret having me as his son?

vegas cutted him by saying "no, instead we all are lucky to have you in our lifes..don't say that" kinn smiled at him before continuing "i was reliefed when he said that he accepts me the way i am. yet i have many things i want to do but i don't think i ever can"

kinn suddenly gulped a lump that formed in his throat, vegas immediately said "you know what? you should be happyto know that not only you but both your brothers and cousins all are gay too" as they both chuckled.

"ohh it's night already, we should go home" vegas said as kinn said "No please let's stay here for some more time" kinn pleaded.

"No we are going home, it's already freezing cold, see your face is looking red" vegas said and started walking as kinn shouts from behind "i am not coming with you...go yourself" as vegas turned behind and walked towards kinn and picked him in his arms as kinn shouts "Asshole what are you doing, leave me..put me down" and as if vegas was going to obey he went towards his car with kinn in his arms and dropped him on the car seat.

They finally came back to their home as
kinn was still sulking vegas quickly kissed kinn's lips and said "stop sulking, i will do anything you want me to do but i can't handle a moody kinn" as kinn finally looked at him for few minutes and said

"Sing for me".............

Hey it's your author this side. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. i am thinking to work on a kinky oneshot book and also i am working on a onscreen bl couple and a ghostship (which will be on  hold)
i will try to upload tommorw if possible please comment down what you think about it.
i will see you soon.
Till then
Bye babies ❤❤

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