Secrets and Revelations

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Wednesday got up early as usual, slightly annoyed by the light that flooded the room. She had forgotten to close her black-out curtains last night when she hopped into bed. She groaned, her head was killing her, she got up, walked toward the bathroom, and stared at herself in the mirror with disgust. "I am never drinking again..." She said to herself with a frown. She got in the shower hoping to wash off the headache and general discomfort she felt...she had to be at the top of her game today after all...

Enid had fallen asleep over her laptop, and a little puddle of drool had formed on her keyboard... She woke abruptly as she heard herself snore loudly... "Shit!" She lifted her head off the wet keyboard, grabbed some tissues off her nightstand, and quickly dried it off... "I hope you still work..." she prayed slightly panicked. Once she had dried it off the best she could, she plugged it in and turned it on... "Yes! God. Thank you!"

Her laptop opened up to the video she had been watching the night before falling asleep... "Where has Storm been?" was the title. It was a fan account speculating about where Storm had been the past 3 years, apparently, she had been around most countries in Europe but they lost track of her in Italy...after that, they could all but guess what happened...

Nyx wondered what could've happened to Wednesday for her to go missing like that for so long but it just made her feel overwhelmed with emotions, remembering how Wednesday had once disappeared from her own life...she was as lost as her fans were, yet for her it was way more personal...

Nyx stared at her screen and rolled her eyes, she didn't have time to keep thinking about all this today...She had work to do and preferred to focus on that instead, she shut everything down, closed her laptop, and put it under her pillow as she got up and headed for the shower.

Wednesday had chosen a simple yet elegant pinstriped suit for tonight, she thought she should look classy, it was a wedding after all. She did however plan to keep all her piercings in. She polished her cello and bow then sat them nicely into their case. She left it all out for later and dressed casually so she could drop by the café to grab breakfast and maybe get some ideas flowing for writing. She grabbed her keys, and her bag and was out. As she reached the café, she walked by a bookstore displaying her books... She had never really stopped to overthink about how they looked out there in the world so she did cringe slightly when she saw the display, staring at them for a while...

As she turned to leave, she was suddenly pushed off balance by a fast, stiff force... "Shit didn't see you there...are you alright?" Alex stood in front of Wednesday, holding her arms to keep her on her feet...

Wednesday shook her head and scowled at the girl in front of her, backing up out of her space almost instantly, "I am...fine...Pay more attention next time..." she barked, turning on her heel, leaving a perplexed Alex standing in front of the bookstore.

"So, this is the blast from the past Nyx was worried about..." Alex thought to herself. "Spicy one, I like her." She smirked as she pulled out her phone.

Nyx was getting out of the shower to change when her phone chimed, she picked it up off the nightstand and saw it was a message from Alex.

Lex: Yo Pup! Guess who I literally ran into today...

Nyx: Am I supposed to know... We've got like 2 other friends in common and that's the whole band! XD

Lex: Pshhh! Bitch! I sorta may have bumped into your um...ex...

Nyx: My...ex? WTF are u talkin about?

Lex: Short, feisty, goth chick with a hella stare... Need more deets?

At this Nyx froze, how on earth did Alex of all people cross paths with Wednesday? She was curious at best.

Nyx: Not my ex...but someone I knew yeah...

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