The night is darkest just before dawn

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Breakfast went smoothly, conversations coming and going, laughs from Enid, Pugsley, and Pubert rang through the halls of the Addams mansion. Every now and then Morticia glanced towards Wednesday, giving her a knowing smile to which at one instance she returned...

Wednesday was...happy even if she denied and hated to admit it, she felt like she had recovered her missing piece. She looked to her side at Enid as she spoke vividly to Pubert about a videogame, Mind Something, and her smile widened into a full dimpled one when she saw Pubert was beaming with joy, his voice rising an octave as he got excited. Enid, feeling her eyes, turned slowly to witness Wednesday staring back at her with so much love and that smile she only got to see in private on full display for everyone to see...

"Easy there Sis, you wouldn't want to damage your facial muscles...or your reputation..." Pugsley teased from across the table.

Felling herself caught, Wednesday's face returned to its stoic state, frowning directly at Pugsley but just when she was about to retort, Enid flashed her fangs and growled lowly at him. All eyes were on her now, everyone going quite suddenly. Realizing what she had just done, Enid, sunk into her chair, her shoulders reaching her ears and a bright red blush flashing on her face.

"Ha! I knew this one would be a perfect addition to our family! Feisty! Love her!" Grandmama broke the silence clapping loudly, squeezing Enid's forearm in reassurance. Everyone laughed easing back into an amicable mood and idle chatter. Their focus drifting away from them once more.

"That" Wednesday said in a low husky voice only Enid could hear.

Enid was still feeling mortified by her anger slip. "I am soooooo sorry..."

Wednesday smirked at her and caressed the back of her hand. "Normally, I am the only one allowed to threaten Pugsley but you, cariño, have my full consent now if that is how you will react..."

Enid smiled sheepishly at her, shrugging, and then looked at Pugsley, "Sorry." She mouthed at him to which he nodded chuckling lightly.

Pubert was frozen in place, staring at her with his big blue eyes, Enid dreading she had scared him, smiled at him softly... "Can you...can you do that again!? That was awesome!!!" He said jumping from his seat and running directly towards her, jumping in her lap and warping her in a tight hug.

Enid returned the hug, laughing lightly, "I sure can kiddo!" she ruffled his blonde locks gaining a giggle from him...

After breakfast it was time to head back to NY, they had been away for more than they expected and needed to get back to their normal activities. They said their goodbyes promising to visit the following weekend. Lurch loaded their stuff into the town car, opening the door for them to get it. Enid waved back at the family as they drove away, and Wednesday nodded goodbye as well.

The trip back went by quickly, though they didn't notice much about what was happening around them because they were preoccupied with each other's lips... Lurch knocked at the partition window alerting them they had arrived and they both jumped at the sudden distraction.

"We are here.." Wednesday's voice came out raspy and low.

"God, you sound so sexy..." Enid replied with a husky voice as well.

"As do you, mon loup." Wednesday said giving her one chaste kiss.

Lurch knocked on the door this time, they both parted, fixed their messy hair as much as they could, and stepped out of the car. Lurch grunted and rolled his eyes when he saw them as if saying: not this again...

They were at Enid's apartment building first, she had asked Wednesday to join her for a bit more before heading back to her own apartment, which she obliged to contently.

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