You broke me and...put me back together...

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Wednesday stirred in her sleep, she frowned lightly as a ray of sunshine poured into the room, she could feel the warmth from it on her face. She opened her eyes slowly, feeling an oncoming headache ahead. She rubbed her temples and groaned, "Agg...What on earth happened..." she questioned, her voice coming out groggy. She wasn't expecting an answer but one came the tone of one Nyx Sinclair... "You fainted..."

Wednesday shot up in the bed she was in, suddenly noticing all to well this was not HER bed nor her room... She glanced in the direction of Nyx's voice, a slight frown forming... "How...I should...go..." She sat up on the side of the bed and immediately felt dizzy...she grabbed her head with both hands...

Nyx was rapidly at her side, her face trying to hide the concern she felt, "Here, take these. They'll help with the headache..." She handed Wednesday 2 aspirins and a glass of water.

Wednesday lifted her head to look at what Nyx was offering, shaking her head in a no motion, "I just have to get home..." She tried to stand but her legs gave in and she sat on the bed again... Why was her body not reacting like it should? This had only happened soon after had been a while since she'd felt this bad...

"Stop being so stubborn and take the pills." Nyx shoved the pills in Wednesday's hand, holding the glass in front of her to take. Wednesday glared at her and swallowed the pills in one take, gulping down the fresh, chill water... She'd never admit it felt nice and cool, calming the burning inside her...

"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Nyx said in a calm tone, sitting in a chair in front of her.

Wednesday set the empty glass on the nightstand next to the bed and questioned, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Nyx looked at her puzzled, she thought she'd remember but apparently, she didn't, "Well, we finished playing at the reception and you stormed off the stage visibly angry for some reason...I followed you...and as you were about to reach the backdoor to leave, I...I held you by the wrist, you stopped in your tracks, turned around to refute, and...fainted..." Wednesday remembered everything Nyx was telling her except the fainting part... Nyx continued, "At first, when you froze I thought you were having a vision...but when you turned and opened your mouth to say something, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and went completely were about to hit the floor when I caught you..."

"You didn't have to..." Wednesday answered dryly.

"I know...but like I said back at Nevermore...that's what friends do... Even though we're not friends anymore..."Nyx ducked her head a bit, avoiding Wednesday's stare...

Wednesday looked at her and frowned, "I...I appreciate the hospitality but I really wish to not overstay my welcome...I would not want your...girlfriend to get the wrong idea..."

Nyx snapped her head up, "Has that white lie gone too far?" she thought. "It's alright...she helped me get you here..."

Wednesday scoffed at herself for letting them treat her as some weakling... She was not weak and she was not going to allow her body to demonstrate the opposite. She tried getting up once more and...failed once again... "Damn it!" She cursed, slamming her fists on her thighs.

These episodes started soon after she was back home... The first one was when she was trying to convince her parents that she was okay and that she could continue with her studies... She was trying to get her point across, her mind going blank and her body limp, hitting the floor with a loud thump... She had to stay in bed for a couple of hours after that...her legs not wanting to respond properly... The second time it happened her parents took her to a doctor to run some tests, just to be sure... It turned out that these episodes happened right after enormous amounts of stress saturated her system...all due to the panic attacks she had ever since...

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