The Daughter of Selene and The Daughter of Addams

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Wednesday got out of the chair she was in pulling out her knife in the process, "I am in no mood to joke!" She pointed the knife at Rae. "You have been giving us strange looks all night long and now whatever this is!"

Enid got up and slowly wrapped her hand around her elbow, pulling her down gently, "Wends, babe, maybe we should hear what she has to say before we stab her?" She whispered in Wednesday's ear.

Rae chuckled, not even flinching at Wednesday's threats. ", as I was about to say. Remember when I hired you Nyx...or should I say, Enid..."

Enid looked at her perplexed. She had never given her her real name and she was very careful at hiding her identity. So, this slightly bothered her... "I was my first weekend in New York and I was walking around the neighborhood..."

"Where did we meet for the first time?" Rae asked, prompting Enid for the answer.

"At Pete's were there with a looked at me, smiled and gave me a nod. I thought it was a bit odd yet nodded back..." Enid replied, frowning at the memory.

"That's right, and then the next time we ran into each other again?" Rae pressed.

"I was walking around the neighborhood and I came into the bar, looking for a...calm night out..." Enid said in a whisper.

"And then what happened?" Rae smiled.

"You came up to my table and offered me a drink on the house..." Enid said perplexed.

"How is any of this relevant to why we are here in this office at present?" Wednesday huffed, her hands tightly holding onto the chair's armrests.

"Go on Enid." Rae waved her hand encouraging her to continue.

"After I had a couple...several drinks...I was a bit...out of it, you came and gave me water...You sat with me and asked me what was wrong...I don't remember much of what I told you but I do remember that night I left this bar with a job and a number..." Enid finished.

"Right, see...I wasn't allowed to openly engage with you but...since you came here first, the whole game changed... I was able to move around you without issue because you were in my territory." Rae nodded.

"See, I am part of the Elder Wolf Clan and when I learned about your...the importance you held to the community, I personally volunteered to watch over you and do my best to guide you without actually telling you since I couldn't speak to you about it directly.

Enid blinked slowly, taking everything in. "I...have so many questions..."

Rae smiled at her sweetly, "Enid, dear." She paused, reaching out for Enid's hand, "Your union is beyond important for the community, for all current and future clans to come..."

Wednesday stared down at Rae and Enid's hands, she seemed to be deep in thought, "You still have not told us what that means. Will you get to it or do I have to get it out of you while I pull out your teeth?"

Rae moved her eyes to look at Wednesday and chuckled, "Wednesday, for someone as smart and talented as you, I thought you'd find this whole ordeal suspicious since day one...I mean, honey. Who reads let alone posts a job ad in the newspaper these days? I thought you'd be harder to persuade than Enid! No offense, sweetie."

Enid let go of Rae's hand as if she had touched silver, "You set us up this whole time?" Her eyes flashed a dangerous tone. "After all I've been through...I trusted you, Rae!"

"Now, now, no need to get upset. I never set you up...not in the way you're thinking anyway..." Rae said calmly.

"What's your goal here?" Wednesday asked, her patience running dangerously thin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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