me and tyler are soulmates

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omfg y'all i have some shit to say.

so first of all i have some good and bad news.

so the bad news is that i lost my phone 😀

i decided to go on a late night walk the other night and my phone wasn't in my pocket anymore before i walked in my house. if you're wondering how i'm writing this i'm using my ipad 💀

anyways i'm so pissed about that and like i went back at least eight times and looked for it. also it's been raining outside all day so if it's still outside it's most likely ruined 😍

but if i'm being honest i really feel like someone took it 😐

hopefully i can get a new phone soon.

okay enough of that shitty news and let me tell you guys the great news.

so basically my crush likes me back 😝

here's the story time:

so after i get out of health class, i have lunch okay. so i go to the cafeteria and after i get my food i start walking to my table to meet up with my friends.

and behind me i can hear one of my guy friends calling my name like four times in a row and so i turn around.

he stands in front of me and he says

"i was walking with (insert tyler's best friends name here) and we were talking about tyler then (insert tyler's best friends name here) said

"tyler likes beatrix, he's just scarred to talk to her."

my heart DROPPED.

like i was freaking the fuck out cause like i just got told that my crush likes me back and that the delusions were actually real lmfao.

i literally couldn't even eat at lunch i ended up just giving my food to my friend lmao.

so everything just makes sense now guys. cause like how last week how he did a triple take when he passed me in the halls. as well as how he slowed down to talk to me when we were outside like hello?

i'm actually so blind like this whole time he liked me back. and those insta reels about girls he's been liking is about me, like it all makes sense...

also i decided to walk one of my friends to health class cause i knew that tyler was in there because i used to be in the same health class as both of them lmao.

and he knows my voice guys cause he was on his phone when i walked in the classroom and as soon as i started talking to my friend he got off his phone and looked over at me. and like we kept making eye contact.

we're acting like middle schoolers lmfao but like he makes me nervous and he's super shy.

my guy friends are telling me that he's playing hard to get like boy why does he have to play that game, he's got me wrapped around his finger lmao like he has me.

anyways i'm super tired and stressed from school so ima go watch some more insta reels and go to sleep in a bit, i'll probably write more tomorrow if anything happens between me and tyler.

wait i actually have more things to say. so basically during lunch the skybox is selling this thing called spooky grams. basically it's like that scene from mean girls were damien is dressed up as santa and he interrupts the class and delivers students candy canes because their friends send them to them. sorry if that's confusing i tried my best to explain lmfao.

but instead of candy canes you get a card and it's only one dollar. also the person that you are giving the card to gets a piece of candy cause it's halloween lol. so of course i got one for tyker lmao. this was on friday of last week that i got it and over the weekend i spent the whole time deciding on what to put on the halloween card.

then i had the greatest idea. i decided to draw a whole bunch if different cat drawings in the card cause like that our thing. me and tyler love cats and like we send each other pictures of our cats so it was perfect.

here's a picture of it:

so yeah i made this for him and i turned it in today so now it's going to be delivered to him during class

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so yeah i made this for him and i turned it in today so now it's going to be delivered to him during class. idk when they are giving these cards out to people but i'm nervous and excited. cause i know he likes me back so he's going to think this is cute. cause this whole time i've been thinking that he's going to think it's cringy. but like who wouldn't want to receive a halloween card with cute cat drawings on the back of it yk? i'd cry if someone did this to me.

anyways i'm fr getting off this app rn, see u guys tomorrow :p

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