tyler making the first moves??

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hiii bestiesss! okay so a little update on my future boyfriend

soooo when i got to school this morning i was touching up my makeup and hair so i don't look like a fucking rat

but i was listening to music and i had my ipad in my backpack okay and as i'm leaving the bathroom, my music gets quiet and there was a notification. so i just shrugged it off thinking that it was just a notification from a random app i haven't used in a while lol.

but when i sat down in the little cubby area i always sit in, i saw that tyker sent me a message on instagram.

and like this is a hugeeee deal because first of all, this is literally the first time he has sent me something first so like it's progress 😝

and not to mention he sent me a reel of a kitten 🥹 like he knows i love cats and he's sending me reels now. like this is going in a positive direction.

"i'm on a rollercoaster that just goes up, my friend." -Augustus waters

that quote is literally how i feel rn.

like what is lifeee my crush likes me back and we both love cats like i want to marry this man.

i feel like maranett from ladybug and cat noir lmfao

but anyways thats what happened early in the morning.

so later on after lunch is over me and my friends walk down E hall and as we turn the corner we all see tyker turn a corner and walking straight towards us lol. i got really nervous but guys you won't believe this.

when me and tyker made eye contact, he smiled, waved and then said hi to me first likeeee whattt!!?

cause like he's so freaking shy but like he did all of that first and then i copied him and said hi back.

all i have to say is this is going in a great direction and i know that we're going to become a thing, we both just gotta stop acting like middle schoolers and go up and talk to each other. cause my friends and his friends are annoyed that we keep backing out when we have a perfect shot going up to each other.

and that's on being shy and having social anxiety 😍

anyways, probably not going to update until monday cause i don't have school tomorrow cause it's grading day. i love having three day weekends lol.

(not really cause i can't see my man)

but i might give like really short/quick updates if he messages me first again over the weekend lol. and like the fact that when he sees cats he's going to think about me 🤭 like i love how this is our thing. i can just imagine us having an apartment together and a pet cat <3

also he is literally so freaking sweet, like everything that comes out of his friends mouths are good things, like i found a nice guy in this horrible generation. the last thing i want to do is hurt him, i'm so down to be with him for the rest of my life.

okay last thing before i get off this app lmao. so about the halloween card, i'm like 99% sure that the people who are running that thing is handing out the cards on halloween and i'm excited and nervous lol.

like i just hope he thinks it's cute and like i just really want to make him smile and make his day. cause knowing that he's happy will make me happy.

i just don't understand how he's single, like how are no girls going after his fine ass self. i've heard that there are quite a few girls that like him and that's part of the reason why i was trying to be bold and get him to notice me. cause like if some girl started talking to him, there would probably just be no chance for me to try anymore. i also thought that i wasn't even his type lmao.

im not giving up on him, i'll wait and take things slow if that's what it takes for me and him to get together at some point ☺️

alright, i'm done with my rant see u guys in the next chapter

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