me and tyler are hanging out 😝

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sooo much stuff i need to tell you guys

omg so first of all tomorrow is tyler's birthday. the thing is i wanna send him a happy birthday midnight text cause like who doesn't want to receive a midnight text yk lmao. but tomorrow's friday which means a school day and i ain't trying to stay up that late :(

so i think i might just text him happy birthday first thing when i wake up tomorrow.

okay so now for the juicy stuff 😏

so basically today i had photography first period and my guy friend has lit and comp with tyler. and he told me that he shows up like 30 minutes late all the time to that class for some reason.

well, for my class we had to go to the studio cause our teacher was showing us what we were doing today for class. basically we just had to take photos of colored lights, it was pretty fun lol.

but anyways, the point is that the studio is right across from tyler's classroom lmao. and when our class got to the studio we had to make two groups because the studio is not that big. so my teacher took the first group into the room and the rest of us had to wait outside until they were done.

so me and my friend lean against the wall and we start talking about tyler. shout out to my friend because he lets me rant and talk about my crush so much lmao.

also yesterday my friend told me that he almost collided with my crush cause they were both turning the corner and he got a clear look at what he looks like. (btw my friend knows my crush and he's sent pictures i've shown him before but they weren't the best)

so anyways me and him and the rest of the class are waiting in the hallway and everyone's doing their own thing and talking to their friends. and i'm standing facing my friend talking about tyler and the behind my friend i see someone turn the corner AND IT'S TYLER.

like i literally got so scared cause i was talking about him and then boom, there he is walking towards us. i told my friend to not look behind him cause he was walking our way and my friend still turned around and looked lmao.

but as tyler got closer i could tell he was staring at me and i finally looked over at him and i waved at him and he waved at me too 🤭

then i noticed that he looked at my guy friend i was talking to before he quickly looked away and walked into his class.

also i just want to say i have a ton of guy friends and like i'm scared tyler thinks i'm just treating him how i treat my guy friends. cause like i'm always with my homies and my guy friends say that when they are walking with me they will see him and he looks jealous and annoyed.

but like that's not the case at all, i'm seriously just friends with them and i'm after tyler. my guy friends are helping me and telling me what i should do and they are also my friends like i can't just not be friends with them lmao?

but like i don't want him to think that i'm hoeing around and flirting with other guys. like i can be touchy with my guy friends cause we all dab each other up but like i don't really do anything else. also he is literally friends with my guy friends too like idk why he give them stares when they are with me 😭

anyway i went way off track there.

so after my group goes in the studio and our teacher explains what we're doing, we head back to class. then we get passes and me and my two friends head to the studio.

we walk around the school for a bit while another group is using the studio and then it becomes our turn and we go inside. we take some pretty dope pictures with the colorful lights and we're having a good time.

then the fire alarm goes off 😀

so we get out of the studio and as i get out i see tyler walk out of his classroom. we walk a bit close to each other but he's a bit further ahead. then we all go out side and he's with his group of friends and i'm with mine.

he was a bit further away from me but he was close enough that we can see each other. the whole time we were outside we kept looking at each other. then i looked away for a long time and when i looked back at him he was staring at me then quickly looked away.

then after a bit we all head back inside the building and we head back to the studio and my man went back to his class.

and guy i kid you not like two minutes after we all get back to taking pictures again, the fire alarm goes off AGAIN.

so everyone starts walking back outside and this time me and my man were really close by each other. but before anyone left the building the teachers stopped everyone and told them to go back to class. like apparently the alarm was just going off and no one was pulling it.

so tyler turns around and as he walks past me, we both look at each other. then as me and my friends start walking down the hallway back to our main class, tyler walks the opposite way and as we're further away from each other, i turn and look back at him AND HE DOES THE SAME THING.

like i freaked the fuck out when that happened. i saw him like sooooo many times today it was seriously the best day ever. oh and i saw him at lunch today cause usually he's in the hallway or with his guy friend somewhere.

now for the most important part, i talked to him today after school and asked him to hangout😝

HE SAID YES. so we're going to hangout on saturday but most likely next weekend cause i have plans with my girl bestie.

omg also when me and him were walking after we got out of school, he walked soooo close by me to the point our shoulders were touching and we were walking in sync lmao. omg he makes me so nervous but i had to make a move or nothing is going to happen between us.

okay that's enough rambling for tonight, i'll see you guys in the next update omg i can't believe all of this happened today 😝

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