valentines card & rose/tyler 😝

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okay update: so rn i'm in my government class and lunch is going to be in like five minutes. i'm going to buy the valentine card and rose 😁

i feel like he's going to know it's me either way if i leave it anonymous or not lmfao but whatever. he needs to know that i still think about him even though we're not talking, no girl does this for him

okayyyy i'll update u guys after school about everything byeee for now




ok let me calm down and tell you guys everything, sorry i'm actually freaking out rn. there's like a few stories i need to tell and i promise you guys this is all true and i'm not lying.

okay so during lunch i bought the valentine graham for tyler. so i left it anonymous but also my friend P had the great idea to write his name on the card so he doesn't recognize mine lol. so yeah she wrote his name and added a heart at the end of his name lmfaooo.

so the girl told me that they are going to deliver the card and rose on the 13th like around 2nd or 3rd period i don't really remember anymore lol, but i think i wrote it in the chapter before this one.

so that's the first story i had to tell.

now here's the JUCY part. guys i'm telling you i was NOT expecting this to happen. like this is crazy.

so this next story happened after lunch today.

the first thing that i wanted to talk about was about me liking tyler's story on insta yesterday.

basically me and my friend met up and worked on an assignment for our ib class and i noticed that tyler had a story up on insta but i didn't want to view it. so i made my friend view it on her phone. (also i was going to write about this when i wrote in here yesterday but i felt like that was unnecessary but now it's important cause it has to do with what i wanna talk about today.)

okay so the story was a picture of him showing his progress of his body cause he works out. and like he never showed his face on insta and this time he did and he showed his abs. which me and my friend were freaking the fuck out cause he's so fine.

well my friend N (i'm calling her that cause that's what her name starts with) influenced me to like his story on my account and so i did. then i got super embarrassed cause like what if i was the only person that liked his story 💀

but at the same time my other friend P told me that it might be a good thing cause that shows him that i was thinking about him and i'm on his mind - girl math 😝

okay so now i'm going to talk about why this was so important.

tyler's two guy friends, i've talked about them before but he has two main guy friends that hangs out with. well when me and tyler use to talk his two friends would always look at me and when we stopped talking his guy friends stopped looking at me.

well as me and my friends were walking to our ib lang & lit class, one of tyler's friends looked at me. like he made sure that i saw him looking at me as we passed by each other. so i might be looking too much into this but i think that he was looking at me because tyler told him that i liked his story the other day.

but yeah so there's that story, i needed to include that.

okay now here's the part that is crazy, like i still can't believe this happened.

so flash forward and me and my friends are in our ib class. we're working on a project, that's all we had to do for the whole class period.

well my friend P wanted to go to the sky mart (sky mart is basically a student store where you can buy snacks and drinks) well she wanted to go there and i also wanted to go there. my teacher told me she's only allowed to have one student out at a time. so i let P go first and when she came out my teacher wrote me a pass and i left. this next part is crazy like i cannot make his up guys. also i wanted to write this right after this happens but i really had to work on my project for my ib class. but now i'm back home and can write out the details.

so as i'm walking out of the classroom i turn down D hall around a corner, and ahead of me someone turns down the same hall and was walking towards me. i couldn't tell who it was but they looked so familiar and as they got closer i realized it was TYLER. i was thrown off because he was wearing a beanie hat and didn't look like himself lol until i got closer. well he's so freaking shy so he looks down and away from me like the whole time. but i told myself i was like "this is your chance to say something cause nobody was around and i haven't talked to him in forever." so as we got closer i said hi to him guys! he looked over at me so fast and and said hi back before looking away. this guy is so shy. also i was surprised he even responded, thanks god he did cause i would have looked like an idiot.

but the thing was it was so nice to hear his voice. omg i missed it, he's just so cute. but yea so that's what happened today lol. now i definitely feel like she's going to know i'm the one who gave him the valentines card and rose on the 13th. but at the same time the hand writing is different so who knows.

okay so that's pretty much all that happened today. i have to get ready cause i'm going out to eat at a sushi restaurant.

but let me just say, this has been the best day i have had in a longgggg time. i got to talk to tyler, even if it was for a few seconds i got to hear his voice.

anyways, i have class with one of tyler's friends tomorrow for bio ski might update about that and see if he's back to looking at me. cause then that has got to mean that tyler is talking about me to his friends or just told them about our interaction we had.

omfg also i get free chipotle in my yearbook class cause my teacher said he is so happy with how much work we put into the pages we're working on 😝

okie i'm fr leaving now byeeeee guysss, i'll update sometime tomorrow ‼️

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