Chapter 1: Night Terrors

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It had been a few days since SpaceGodzilla's defeat, and since then, everything had gone back to normal. Well, almost everything. Something was going on with Mothra. She seemed fine for the most part, if not a little paranoid. But often she would spend hours just sitting by herself in her tent. Ceaser was the only one who knew the reason for this. During a brutal battle with Megaguirus, Mothra panicked and fatally stabbed her. It was the first time she had killed someone, and although she hid her emotions well, the memory of the event constantly plagued her mind. Eventually, she had told Godzilla about what she had done. He understood why she felt bad about it, and he tried to help her through it. Unfortunately, things weren't going as well as Godzilla had planned.

Monster Island, around midnight...

A shrill scream sounded through the island. Awoken and startled, Godzilla looked around, searching for the source of the scream.
"That sounded like Mothra." He thought. Fearing the worst, he grabbed his sword, hopped out of his hammock and rushed to Mothra's tent. Luckily, it wasn't too far from where his hammock was set up. After about a minute, he reached the tent and cautiously looked through the flaps. It was much bigger on the inside. He saw Mothra sitting upright in her bed, breathing heavily. Her eyes were wide, and her forehead dripped with sweat. Godzilla cautiously spoke to her.
"Mothra, are you alright?" He asked. She gasped and jumped as she heard his voice and turned to him. She relaxed and exhaled once she saw who it was.
"I-It's nothing." She said. "I just had a nightmare." She laid her head down on her pillow, attempting to prove her point. Godzilla continued to pry.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, stepping further into the tent. It always amazed him how massive it was on the inside. From the outside, it looked like a small one-person tent, but on the inside, it resembled a large bedroom. Her queen-size bed sat at the centre of the back wall, and shelves sat on the other walls with picture frames and other trinkets on them. He and the other Kaiju had asked Mothra many times how the tent worked, but she refused to tell anyone, simply saying it was a gift from an old friend, often with a casual glance towards the sky. For now, Mothra reluctantly told her nightmare story.
" was about Megaguirus." Mothra admitted. She sat up in her bed and pulled her knees up to her chest. "I just kept seeing the moment when I stabbed her, over and over. I know I was justified, but I...I just feel awful."
She started crying into her blanket. Godzilla rushed over to comfort her.
"Look, Mothra, I know you feel bad, but It wasn't your fault." He said. "She attacked you first, and she tried to kill you. I would have killed her myself if I was there." Godzilla wasn't sure if this was helping, but it seemed to calm Mothra down, at least a little bit.
"Thanks." Mothra sniffed. "I feel a little better now."
"That's good. Sorry, I'm not the best at...comforting." Godzilla said, rubbing the back of his head. Mothra laughed a little.
"You did great." Mothra said. She wiped her stray tears with her blanket. The two talked for a little longer, until they both started to get tired. They bid each other goodnight, and Godzilla left the tent. They both managed to sleep for a few more hours until morning. However, this wasn't the last of Mothra's nightmares. She had the same nightmare the next night. Again, Godzilla came to comfort her and get her back to sleep. Again, the same thing happened the next night. And the next night. This continued for a few more months, though the nightmares died down to at least a few times each week, and then maybe twice a month. Until one night. Mothra had gone two straight weeks before she had another nightmare, and she had another one. But this was not the same nightmare. It was much worse.

Godzilla woke to Mothra's familiar scream, but it was slightly different. It was louder, more shrill. More filled with fear. Godzilla ran over to the tent again, and saw Mothra, sitting straight up in bed, shaking violently. Her eyes were wide with fear, and she had her arms wrapped around herself. She dripped with sweat and she made a noise which was a mix of panting and sobbing.
"Mothra?" Godzilla asked. He had never seen her like this. She looked over at him and sprung out of bed, running over to him and embracing him tightly. Godzilla was startled, to say the least. He looked down at her face.
"What happened?" Godzilla asked.
"I had another nightmare." Mothra explained in a hushed voice, though not quite whispering.
"Something tells me it wasn't the same nightmare as before." Godzilla said.
"It wasn't." Mothra stated quietly. Suddenly, she started crying heavily into Godzilla's shoulder.
"I've never seen you like this." Godzilla said, almost frightened now. "Was it really that bad of a dream?" She pulled her head off of his shoulder, allowing him to see her terrified, tear-streaked face.
"There's something about my life I never told you." Mothra sobbed. "Something I never told anyone. It's been haunting me for most of my life."
Godzilla was too confused and startled to say anything. Mothra continued, recounting the painful memories. She clung harder to him, clutching harder and harder onto his form.
"When I was young, around seven years old, my mother and father were murdered in front of me." Mothra stammered. "They were stabbed and burned alive by a figure with red armour and wings, but I can't remember his name." Godzilla was dumfounded and shocked by Mothra's story. He didn't know what to say.
"Oh my god." He said. "Mothra, that's...horrible."
She hugged him tighter, crying and sobbing even more. Godzilla wrapped his own arms around her. This was something he couldn't fix easily. But he could still try.

Godzilla and Mothra sat on the beach, looking at the waves crash over the sand in the darkness of night. Godzilla had always found it calming, and hoped it would do the same for Mothra. His hopes were correct, as Mothra had stopped crying. She just sat with her eyes closed, feeling the wind blow through her hair.
"Feel better?" Godzilla asked.
"A little." Mothra answered, keeping her eyes pointed at the ground. She felt at peace, and wanted to hold onto that peace for as long as possible. But she knew it couldn't last. She opened her eyes and looked over at Godzilla. He had done so much to help her, and she wanted to thank him.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me these past few months." She said, smiling warmly.
"No problem." Godzilla responded. "That's what friends are for."
Mothra giggled slightly at his cheesy line, but was thankful anyway. She scooted over to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. By the time Godzilla noticed, she was asleep. He blushed slightly and looked back up, only glancing at her occasionally.
"I should probably bring her back to her tent." He thought. He looked down at her peaceful sleeping form, and then back at the waves.
"It can wait." He thought. He looked back down at her, brushing some hair out of her face. What he didn't know was that they were being watched. Godzilla wasn't the only person Mothra's scream had woken up.

Muto watched the two from a safe distance. They wouldn't notice her in the dark like this. It was obvious to her that the two cared for each other immensely. She yearned for a relationship like that. She had one once, with her past love, Hokmuto. But he was dead, killed by Godzilla a year ago. She closed her eyes and gave her head a quick shake, trying to somehow block out those memories, but she couldn't. As she thought about Hokmuto, a tear rolled down her cheek. She started to walk back to her own smaller tent, but she saw something glisten in the sand near her foot. It looked a little bit sharp, and it was poking out of the sand. Muto tilted her head to the side in a confused manner
"What's this?" She asked herself. She bent down and picked it up. It was a small white crystal, with a translucent purple surface. It took her a while to recognize what it truly was. It was one of SpaceGodzilla's resurrection crystals. Immediately a plan formed in her mind. Things would be much different from now on.

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