Chapter 3: Reunion

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Monster Island, 5:30 am

Mothra woke up with another scream. It wasn't from another nightmare, but something else. She felt like she was being watched. She heard shuffling from the other side of the room.
"W-who's there?" She asked, nervously.
She reached for the lamp on her nightstand and turned it on. When she looked back to the wall, she was facing two tall figures in cloaks, one white and one black. She yelped in fear and fell out of bed. She tried to stand up, but got tangled in bedsheets, ending in a sitting position. The two figures stepped closer and loomed over her.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Oh, sorry." The figure in white said. "Did we scare you?"
Mothra gasped and smiled widely, recognizing the voice. It was someone she hadn't seen in a long time.
"Leo!" She said. The figure removed his hood, revealing his face. His hair was white with a black streak, similar to Mothra's brunette streak. His eyes were blue, again, similar to Mothra.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Leo said. Mothra jumped up and hugged him. He was a few inches taller than her, so she ended up almost hanging off of him. She let go and playfully punched him in the arm.
"Dammit, Leo, I missed you!" Mothra said, laughing slightly.
"I missed you too, sis." Leo responded.
Suddenly, Godzilla ran in. He was carrying his katana on his back.
"I heard a scream, are you alright?" Godzilla asked. He noticed the two figures. He calmed down, but stayed on guard. "Um...who are they?"
"Oh, hey Godzilla." Mothra said, cheerfully. She let go of Leo and ran over to Godzilla, grabbing his arm and bringing him to where she was standing before.
"This is my brother, Leo." Mothra said. "And Leo, this is my best friend, Godzilla."
Godzilla understood now. "Oh, right, Leo. Mothra's told me a lot about you." He reached out to shake Leo's hand.
"I've heard a lot about you too." Leo responded, returning his handshake. "Have you been taking good care of my little sister?" He ruffled Mothra's hair, making her laugh.
"You're only a year older than me, Leo." Mothra smirked. "But yes, Godzilla's been doing a good job 'taking care of me.'"
"Well, I try." Godzilla said. "But...uh...who's that?" He pointed to the other hooded figure, who was standing in the corner of the room, facing them.
"You can take your hood off, now." Leo said, somewhat sternly. The figure slowly reached up and removed his hood, revealing a familiar face.
"Battra!?" Mothra exclaimed, with wide eyes.
"It's good to see you too, sister." Battra responded. He looked different. His face and demeanour were the same, but his hair was a little bit longer, and he no longer wore his golden crested headband.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Godzilla growled, taking his katana off his back. "I thought Mothra banished you."
"It's alright." Leo said, trying to calm everyone down. "He's with me."
"What!?" Both Mothra and Godzilla said at the same time.
"I needed him for what's coming." Leo said. His previous cheerful demeanour had vanished, and was replaced with an air of seriousness.
"What, you mean X?" Godzilla asked.
"No. Well, X is coming, but he's not alone." Leo explained. "Someone else is coming. You may not know of him, Godzilla, but Battra, Mothra, and myself are very familiar with him." He sighed, and looked at Mothra. She had a look of confusion and fear on her face. He then looked at Battra, who knew what he was talking about. He simply nodded and crossed his arms.
"His name is Desghidorah." Leo said.
Mothra's eyes widened as the memories came back to her. The flames, the blood, the smoke, and the figure. He wore dark red armour with giant crimson wings and a horned mask that covered his face. He wielded a massive broadsword and had glowing red eyes. His hands were covered in fire. For the longest time, she could not remember his name. But now, she was reminded.
"Desghidorah..." She whispered. "The one who...killed our parents."

It was morning now. Leo was now wearing his regular white and black outfit rather than his cloak. He had met the rest of Godzilla's army, but now he was meeting Ghidorah. As it turned out, Ghidorah knew who exactly Desghidorah was.
"As a matter of fact, he's my brother." Ghidorah explained. "So is X, actually."
"That explains the name." Godzilla said, raising an eyebrow.
"Either way, Desghidorah is not one to be trifled with." Leo explained. "I've fought him a few times. I've never won a fight with him, but I've never lost either. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
"Yes, he's quite a bit more powerful than myself." Ghidorah said. "Mainly because he's a few years older than me and X."
"Cool. I can't wait to beat the crap out of him." Godzilla said, punching his other hand.
Leo looked at Godzilla with a raised eyebrow, and back to Ghidorah. "Is he always like this?" he asked.
"You have no idea." Ghidorah grinned. Godzilla rolled his eyes at the two.

Mothra was still angry with Battra. While the others were discussing Desghidorah, she was talking with him. Well, more like interrogating.
"So how did you escape your banishment?" She asked.
"I told you, I didn't 'escape'." Battra snapped back. Unlike Leo, he was still wearing his cloak. He preferred it to his regular robes. "Leo made a deal with those fairies of yours."
"What kind of deal?" Mothra asked. Usually the fairies told her before they did things like this. Then again, they didn't usually like to anger her. And this angered her.
"The deal is that I get to go free so I can help defeat Desghidorah, but if I slip up..." Battra gulped, but tried to hide his nervousness. "Well, let's not talk about what happens then."
"So you're on a leash." Mothra said.
Battra gritted his teeth. He hated that term. He changed the subject.
"I heard you killed Megaguirus." He stated. This startled Mothra. She had no idea how he knew. She quickly regained her composure.
"How did you know about that?" She asked.
"Well, I didn't exactly hear it, so much as I read your thoughts." Battra said.
Mothra was a little peeved about that, but she dismissed it. "Yes, I did kill her." She said. "What does it matter to you?"
"I just didn't think you could do such a thing, being the prefect little princess that you are." Battra said with an unusually snarky tone. "Like you said, you should have killed me. But instead, you and your little fairies banished me, and look how that ended up." Battra was smirking now. He was getting under Mothra's skin, and he knew it. Finally, she spoke.
"I couldn't have killed you." Mothra snapped. "You're my brother."
Battra furrowed his brow, his smirk disappearing. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that no matter how many horrible, terrible, and idiotic things you do," Mothra explained, "Leo and I will still love you."
The two paused for a few moments. Battra was shocked. Mothra had never said anything like that before. She was a little surprised herself. Godzilla, Leo, and Ghidorah were still conversing about Desghidorah and X, so they hadn't noticed Mothra and Battra's conversation. Godzilla brought up something else that was on his mind.
"By the way, Ghidorah," He asked, "I forgot to ask, what's with the wardrobe changes?"
"No particular reason." Ghidorah shrugged. "It was Gigan's idea. He thought it would be an interesting change of pace."
Godzilla nodded. "So anything else we should know about Desghidorah?"
"No, I pretty much told you everything." Leo explained. "Like I said, he can control fire, he wields a big sword, and he killed my mother and father."
"Yeah, Mothra told me about that." Godzilla said. He looked back at her and Battra with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Apparently it really traumatized her."
"Well she was the only one to witness it firsthand." Leo said, sadly. "Me and Battra were somewhere else at the time. I don't really remember where, it's...all kind of a blur."
The conversation ended there. Godzilla didn't want to make Leo remember that terrible event any more than he already had.
"Well, we know enough about Desghidorah for now." Godzilla said. "We'd better tell the others and start preparing."
Leo and Ghidorah nodded, and they each walked off. Leo walked towards Mothra and Battra, who had finished arguing by now.
"So, are you two getting along?" Leo joked. Mothra looked at him with anger and betrayal in her eyes that made Leo stop dead in his tracks.
"You should have told me about Battra." Mothra said. "Why didn't you?"
Leo knew what she was talking about. He rubbed the back of his head. "The fairies told me not to tell you. I wanted to, but..." Leo tried to explain.
Mothra sighed and smiled a weak smile. "It's fine." She admitted. "Battra's here now. Nothing I can do about it."
Battra rolled his eyes. "I'll try to meet your expectations." He said. "But no promises."
"Well, I'm just glad I have my family all in one place." Leo said as he wrapped his arms around the two. Mothra laughed, and Battra huffed and rolled his eyes.
"So, Mothra," Leo began, "Where will we be staying tonight?"

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