Chapter 9: A Kings Return

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Godzilla opened a weary eye, seeing Leo, Destroyah, and Battra standing in front of him. They were back on the island.
"So, that went well." Battra remarked sarcastically.
"Never mind him." Destroyah said, glaring at Battra's direction. "We teleported you back here after we saw that you were..."
"Defeated." Ghidorah finished.
"I was going to say getting your asses handed to you." Destroyah mumbled. Ghidorah heard him and glared in his direction.
"There's no way to defeat them." Godzilla said. "We tried everything. They're unstoppable."
"Not everything." Leo thought out loud. "What if everyone attacked them with once?"
"That wouldn't work." Godzilla sighed. "Morale's been low after Mothra's death, and even if that weren't the case, we would all get slaughtered. They're just too powerful."
"I'm afraid the same is true with my team as well." Ghidorah said.
"So that's it?" Destroyah asked. "You're giving up?"
"If what Godzilla says is true," Leo lamented, "then yes."

Jet Jaguar lay in his hammock, facing the ceiling of the metallic bunker he and the other cyborgs lived it. He had gotten a transmission from Serizawa telling him that Admiral Stenz had been killed, and that Desghidorah and X were destroying cities all over the world. While he tried to remain hopeful, he couldn't deny that he knew there was no hope. Before he could think on this more, a golden light shone from under hammock. Jet jumped down and saw that the golden light was coming from Kiryu.
"What the hell is going on?" Moguera yelled from the other side of the room.
"Kiryu, what's happening?" Jet asked.
"I...don't know..." Kiryu said. He began to feel himself change. His mechanical armour began to fall off. It was as if he didn't need it anymore.
"Wait...I think I know now." Kiryu stated.
The light suddenly disappeared leaving only Kiryu. Though he wasn't exactly Kiryu anymore. Moguera's jaw dropped. Jet grew wide eyed. This was going to be interesting.

A golden light shone from the forest, where the cyborgs bunker was. Godzilla was the first one to see it.
"What's going on over there?" He asked.
"I think I might know...but it might not be..." Leo pondered.
"Well, what is it?" Ghidorah asked, a bit more forceful than he meant it to sound.
"Let's go and find out." Battra suggested.
The four ran over to the bunker, and the light stopped. They stood outside the door for a good while, hearing voices and other sound inside. Finally, the door opened, and Jet stepped out.
"Oh...hey guys." He said, seemingly shaken by something.
"What's going on in there?" Godzilla asked.
"Uh...hold on a second." Jet said. He rushed back into the bunker, almost slamming the door behind him. Godzilla raised an eyebrow and looked over at Leo.
"Is this what you were expecting?" He asked.
"I don't know yet." Leo almost snapped.
After another while, Jet answered the door again.
"Okay, don't freak out, but...Kiryu is gone." He said.
"What?!" Godzilla asked. "What do you mean 'gone'?"
"I'm not dead if that's what you're thinking." A voice said from inside. "Far from it, actually." It was Kiryu, but...different. Jet moved out of the way of the door, showing a new figure. He was tall and muscular, with dark charcoal grey hair with slight dark purple tips that went down past his ears. He wore a long jacket with no sleeves the same primary colour of his hair. His pants were straight matte black, and he had a purple, red, and blue flame tattoo going up his arm. A long red scar lay across his chest, obscured by white athletic tape around his waist. Two black katanas lay on his back and on his hip. While Leo and Battra were confused, Godzilla and Ghidorah knew exactly what was going on.
"Hm. I never thought I'd see you again." Ghidorah sneered.
"Who is that?" Leo asked.
Godzilla snapped out of his trance. "That, Leo, is the original Godzilla." He explained. "My...father."
Indeed it was. Standing in front of them was Gojira, the original Godzilla. The strange golden light had transformed him into his previous state, essentially bringing him back from the dead for the second time. He walked up to Godzilla, placing his hands on his shoulders.
"It's been a long time, son." He said.
"Too long." Godzilla responded. The two hugged for a brief moment before letting go.
"Alright, enough sentimental crap." Gojira said. "Are we going to beat those two or what?" Godzilla was confused. "Uh...who?" He asked.
"X and Desghidorah." He responded. "We're going to defeat them, right?"
"We would if we could." Ghidorah said. "But even with your help, we wouldn't stand a chance."
"Actually, we do have a small chance." Leo spoke up. Godzilla and Ghidorah looked at him with confused glances. He began to explain. "I know what cause Kiryu to transform. It was Mothra."
Godzilla went from confusion to surprise as he heard Mothra's name. Even Ghidorah was shocked. Gojira was the next to speak.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"It's a little confusing." Leo explained. "When she died, her spirit became a sort of guardian angel. She now has the ability to help us in any way she can. I'm assuming one of those ways is giving Kiryu back his abilities and body."
"What about the other ways?" Godzilla asked. As he said this, he began to glow with the same golden light. The light grew brighter and brighter, and he was soon engulfed in it. The light suddenly burst, and everyone saw that he had changed. He had transformed into SuperGodzilla, his ultimate form. He had achieved this form many times before, and now he was going to use it again.
"That's another way." Leo explained. He suddenly began to glow as well. This was not the same golden light, however. It was much brighter, and shone in a spectrum of colours. When the rainbow of light disappeared, he too had transformed. He was floating, and his robes were pure white and much longer, nearly touching the ground. Two luminous wings resembling an angels wings sprouted from his back, shining in the same rainbow of vibrant colours. His blue eyes glowed as well. He landed back to the ground, nearly lighting up the whole island. He was now Rainbow Leo, his own ultimate form.
"I've never achieved this form before." He said, looking at his hands with amazement.
"Alright, this is too much weird shit for today." Jet exclaimed. "I'm going to bed."
"It's noon." Gojira said. Jet had already closed the door. The others simply ignored him. Godzilla pulled out his katana and formed his plasma blade, while Leo's twin knives had transformed into a long golden staff.
"I think we really do have a chance now." Godzilla said. Leo nodded in agreement.
"I haven't fought in this form for 20 years." Gojira said, flexing his hands. "It should be a good warm up." He unsheathed his katanas, which were similar to Godzilla's.
Leo turned to Battra. "You're coming too, right?" he asked. Battra shook his head.
"After what I've done, I don't deserve to fight alongside you." He responded with a melancholy tone. "I will be with you in spirit, along with our sister." Again, Leo simply nodded. Even without Battra, they were a formidable force. The biggest battle of their lives was about to begin.

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