Chapter 11: Rebirth

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Monster Island, midnight

That night, the entire island was lit up in celebration. Despite the loss Godzilla and the others had suffered, this was also a victory for not only them, but the entire world. Surprisingly, Godzilla's army and Ghidorah's army were getting along for once. The only people not celebrating were Ghidorah, Leo, Godzilla, and Battra. They hung out by themselves in front of Ghidorah's ship, which was landed on the beach.
"So, what now?" Godzilla asked. Ghidorah knew what he meant. He was wondering what would happen between them now that X and Desghidorah were defeated.
"Nothing will change between us." Ghidorah explained. "Despite our temporary partnership, we are still enemies. Nothing will change that." Godzilla nodded.
"You know, in some other universe, I could see us being allies." He said.
"I agree." Ghidorah said. "In another universe..."
Before their conversation could continue, Anguirus ran over to them. He was frantic and somewhat panicked.
"What's going on?" Godzilla asked.
"There's something you need to see." Anguirus explained.

Anguirus lead Godzilla down the path to the field area of the island. He still hadn't explained what was going on. Godzilla had many questions.
"So what's this about?" He asked.
"There's something going on with Mothra's grave." Anguirus explained. Godzilla stopped when he heard Mothra's name.
"What?" He asked. "What are you talking about?"
"You'll see, you'll see." Anguirus explained. He grabbed Godzilla by the sleeve and hurried along the path. Finally, they reached the grave. It was quite dark out, but something was emitting light. The glow was coming from underground. From underneath Mothra's grave.
"See? What did I tell you?" Anguirus said.
The glow brightened, and the dirt around the grave began to shift. Some of the others came out and began to crowd around. A pulsating hum began to sound slowly. Suddenly, a bright beam of golden light erupted from the ground. It looked like a jet of fire from the depths of the Earth. The pulsating noise became a high pitched wail. Godzilla and the others had to shield their eyes or ears. After about a minute, the light and noise disappeared. Godzilla uncovered his eyes. What he saw in place of the glowing light surprised everyone. Lying on the ground, completely unharmed and most likely alive, was Mothra. Mumbles and whispers came from the crowd.
"How did she come out of the ground?" Rodan asked.
"She looks completely healed." Gigan noticed. "Is she alive?"
"Wait, look! She's moving!" Leo announced.
What he said was true. Mothra's chest began to slowly but noticeably heave as if she was breathing. Her eyes fluttered open. As everyone watched, she began to stand up. She groaned and stumbled slightly, but managed to keep her footing. Finally, she spoke.
"Um...what happened?" She mumbled.
Everyone was speechless. Mothra began to step foreword, but she stumbled and fell. Godzilla rushed over and helped her up. She thanked him and stood up on her own.
"Mothra, do you remember anything?" Godzilla asked.
"It's starting to come back to me." Mothra said. "I remember defeated him, right?"
"Y-yeah..." Godzilla nodded. It was the only thing he could think to say. Mothra continued.
"One more thing, and be honest." She said. "How do I look?" She held up a lock of her hair, which was caked with dirt. In fact, most of her outfit wasn't very clean. Godzilla didn't respond at first.
"Not great, I'm guessing?" Mothra asked.
"Well, you were buried underground..." Godzilla said.
Battra was the next to speak. "She's alive. How is this possible?"
"The only thing I can think of is that when Gojira went into space," Leo began, "he released all that energy into the universe. Because Mothra's spirit was free at the time, she most likely used it to resurrect herself."
"You have a complicated answer for everything, don't you?" Gigan muttered with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile, Godzilla still had one question for Mothra.
"Mothra...about what you said before you...died..." He began. Mothra knew what he was referring too. She blushed.
"Um...yes?" She responded.
"Did you mean it?" Godzilla asked. Mothra looked down at the ground and nervously rocked back and forth on her heels. After a few seconds, she looked back up at him.
"That depends." She said. "Do you feel the same way?"
Godzilla smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him, much to her surprise.
"I do. I really do." He answered. Mothra smiled back.
"Then yes." She finally answered. Godzilla drew her in closer and kissed her. He could hear the others cheer them, but he wasn't paying attention. All that mattered to him was right in front of him right now. Mothra felt the exact same way. Finally, she was truly happy again for the first time in a long while. Finally, the kiss stopped, but the two didn't let go of each other.
"Godzilla...I love you." Mothra said quietly.
"I love you too, Mothra." Godzilla responded. Meanwhile, Ghidorah and his army had left. Their ship appeared over them, it's engine blaring loudly. Ghidorah himself stood on the deck of the ship, facing Godzilla from the air.
"Farewell for now, Godzilla." He said. "The next time we meet, it will be on the battlefield!"
"I'll be looking foreword to it!" Godzilla shouted back. Ghidorah nodded and walked back into the ship as it sped back into space and put of sight.

The next day, the island seemed more bright and vibrant. The battle was over and Mothra was back. Nothing could be better, especially for Godzilla. Currently, he, Leo, and Battra were standing outside of Mothra's tent, waiting for her to come out. She had told them that she needed some time to get dressed.
"What's taking her so long?" Battra asked. "She's been in there since last night." He was getting a little impatient with his sister.
"I'm not sure." Leo said. "She wouldn't normally take so much time getting dressed."
After a few more minutes, Mothra stepped out of her tent. She looked much different than she had before. The first thing they noticed was that her hair was shorter. Before it was about elbow-length, but now it had shortened to just above her shoulders. Her outfit was different too. Instead if a white, yellow, orange, and brown robe, she now wore a pure white kimono with a golden waist wrap and sleeves the colour of a monarch butterfly wings.
"Well, how do I look now?" Mothra asked.
"Uh...different. But in a good way." Leo said.
"Why'd you cut your hair?" Godzilla asked.
"I'd been wanting to get my hair cut for a while now." Mothra explained. "I had to do my hair anyway, so seemed like a good opportunity. I decided to change my outfit too."
She spun around once, giving the three a good view of her entire outfit.
"I think it looks great." Godzilla complimented. Mothra smiled at him. He smiled back, then turned to Leo and Battra.
"So, are you two gonna stay on the island?" He asked. "You're completely welcome too."
"Oh, I'm definitely staying." Leo said. "I'm not gonna let anything else happen to my little sister." He ruffled Mothra's hair again. She rolled her eyes and shoved his hand away. Now, all eyes turned to Battra.
"Wait, you actually...want me to stay here?" Battra asked. "After all I've done?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't we?" Mothra asked.
Battra smiled. Mothra hadn't seen him smile in years. Nobody had. Finally, Battra looked up again.
"In that case, I will stay." He said. "And I'll try my best to redeem myself."
Suddenly, a loud noise sounded in the distance. It sounded like a massive explosion that shook the ground.
"What was that?" Godzilla asked. "
"I think it was an earthquake." Mothra said. "Or maybe a volcano."
"I'm sure it wasn't anything serious." Leo assured. Godzilla wasn't so sure. He smelled smoke. He looked into the sky, wondering where the smell was coming from. He saw something that surprised him.
"Uh, guys?" He said. Everyone looked up. A large billow of smoke radiated from the distance. Mothra was right, it was a volcano. But something was strangely off about the smoke. It was thick and black, like tar, with hints of red mist among it. Something was definitely going wrong.

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