Chapter 7: Death of a Godess

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(Disclaimer: In a previous update I said there was a chapter that almost made me cry while I was writing it. This is that Chapter)

After a few hours of searching, Mothra found one of the drones. But she also found something else. The drone had landed in a heavily wooded area. Mothra brushed bast a group of large ferns. Then she saw him. He was tall, and wore dark red armour. His eyes were a hellish crimson, and two massive wings jutted out of his back. It was the figure from her nightmare. The man who killed her parents. Desghidorah. Mothra gasped. He heard her and turned around, gazing directly into her eyes.
"Oh, hello. I apologize for the intrusion." He said, almost politely. "I only came to retrieve this broken drone. I hope you don't mind. Not that it matters." Mothra simply stared while breathing heavily. Her heart beat faster and faster. She contemplated running right then. Desghidorah noticed something familiar about her face. He approached her slowly.
"Who are you, anyway?" Desghidorah asked. "We've bet before..."
Mothra said nothing. She simply stood there, wide eyed and terrified. Suddenly, Desghidorah remembered where he had seen her. He smiled evilly, but Mothra couldn't see it behind his mask. He was now about a foot away from her. Mothra had to look up to see his face, as he was much taller than her.
"Oh, wait, I remember you." He said. They were now face-to-face. "You were the little girl from many years ago. The child of the two divine beings. The ones I killed. I'm right, aren't I?"
Mothra shook her head quickly, breaking herself out of her trance. She glared at him angrily.
"Yes, I was that little girl. But that little girl is long gone now." She said. She drew her knife, continuing to glare. "I have been waiting for this moment for years."
"And what is it exactly that you want from me?" Desghidorah asked. He was simply taunting her. She took the bait.
"I only want one thing from you." Mothra said. "I want to fight you."
Desghidorah chuckled darkly. "That's it?"
"No." Mothra said. Her tone was much darker, almost matching his. "I want to fight you, I want to beat you, and I want to kill you. I want revenge." She put extra emphasis on the last three words. Desghidorah laughed and pulled out his sword.
"Come at me then." He threatened. Mothra did as she was told, flying full force at him. Her knife was aimed, ready to carve into him. Desghidorah simply grabbed her as she approached and flung her into a tree. She hit it far above the ground, and fell the rest of the way. Twigs and leaves stuck in her now-messy hair.
"You can't win. You know that, right?" Desghidorah said. It only enraged Mothra more. She got up, using the tree for support.
"Shut the hell up!" She screamed, throwing a cloud of dust at him. He swung his wing out in front of him, attempting to use it as a shield. It worked, until he realized what the dust did. His wing started burning as the acidic powdered substance ate away at it slowly.
"What the hell did you do!?" He yelled, flapping his wing frantically, trying to shake the dust off. He didn't notice that Mothra had ran up to him. She jumped up and drop kicked him in the chest, sending him back a few meters. He was hardly fazed, and the dust had worn off now. His wing was still stinging slightly, but he had been through much worse.
"Your persistence is admirable." He said.
"Your refusal to shut up is annoying!" She retorted. She spat a ball of webbing at him, getting him in the eyes. As he clawed the substance off, Mothra thought quickly and threw her knife at him. It barely dented his armour and fell to the ground. Before she could go to pick it up again, Desghidorah had pulled the webbing off of his eyes. He stepped on the knife and broke it.
"It's time to end this." He growled. After a single massive beat of his wings he flew into the air. Before Mothra could follow, he began shooting blasts of fire at the ground. The first blast hit right in front of her and she ran off. She ran through the forest, not knowing where the next flame would hit. Suddenly, she ran into a massive boulder in the middle of the path and could run no further. She backed away from the boulder, and cautiously looked around. Desghidorah was out of the sky, but was nowhere to be found. She couldn't hear him, see him, or even sense his presence. She didn't notice as he landed behind her, completely silently. He reared back, sword in hand. He leaned next to her ear.
"Boo." He whispered. Mothra yelped and turned around, catching a glimpse of his reflective plating. Before she could react, Desghidorah thrust the sword, piercing her abdomen and tearing through her. It took her a few seconds to register what had just happened. Once she did, her eyes widened and she coughed blood onto the ground. Desghidorah simply laughed as he pulled the sword out. The blade left Mothra's body slowly. She slumped over and fell to the ground without saying a word. No scream, no whimper, just a deadly shocked silence. Her eyes were still wide as she began struggling to breathe.
"Pathetic." Desghidorah said. "You thought you could even attempt to compete with me? You never had a chance, just like your whore of a mother."
Mothra desperately wanted to scream in anger and attack Desghidorah with all her strength, but now her strength was almost gone. She quivered and began crawling away, but Desghidorah was quick to step on her back, nearly crushing her spine. Now Mothra screamed. It wasn't loud, and it wasn't long, but it was definitely a scream. Desghidorah laughed in a low tone.
"I love that sound, don't you?" He taunted. He ground his foot into her back, eliciting another scream, now slightly louder. She began crying.
"Please..." She whispered. "Stop..."
"Oh, you want me to stop?" He forced his foot down on the last word. He heard a cracking sound as he felt ribs break underneath his boot. This time, Mothra didn't scream despite the intense pain. She simply whimpered while her tears fell down her face and into the dirt beneath her. Desghidorah took his foot off of her back and walked away.
"You won't survive." Desghidorah said. "I have broken you. You will die here, alone. Goodbye, Mothra." She watched as her murderer slowly walked away. She held onto her life for as long as she possibly could. It felt like hours, days, years, until her vision slowly became dark. The pain started melting away. She was terrified of death, but she felt slightly happy knowing the pain would soon be over. Before her world went dark forever, she was brought back by two arms and a familiar voice.
"Mothra!" Godzilla said. He gently picked her up and held her in his arms. Battra was standing to her right, alongside Leo, who quickly knelt next to her and held her hand tightly.
"We heard you yelling and screaming in the forest and assumed you were in trouble." Godzilla explained. "We came as quick as we could..."
"But we may be too late." Battra said to himself. It wasn't in his usual cocky or condescending tone. He now carried genuine concern and sadness in his voice. He tried not to show it, but Mothra could clearly see it.
"You're gonna be alright, Mothra." Leo assured. "You're gonna be fine." He continued telling her this, but he was more than likely trying to assure himself. Mothra looked up at Godzilla. He wasn't concerned, she had seen him when he was concerned. Godzilla was terrified.
"I'm not going to lose you." Godzilla said. "I can't lose you. Mothra...I..."
Mothra's vision was going dark once again. Her time was almost up. She slowly opened her mouth and spoke for the first time in what felt like forever.
"Godzilla..." She said. Godzilla held her tighter as she said his name. It only made her pain worse. He loosened his grip when he saw the look of pain on her face. She almost wished he hadn't, but she continued.
"Godzilla...I...I love you..." Mothra finally said. It was more of a mumble than a coherent sentence. Godzilla lifted her up slightly, unsure of what she just said. Leo let go of Mothra's hand and stood back up, knowing what was about to happen.
"Mothra...what did you say?" Godzilla asked.
"I said...I love you." Mothra said, weakly. Tears, both hers and Godzilla's, rolled down her cheek, stinging her wounds. She staggeringly lifted herself up and wrapped her arms around the back of Godzilla's neck. She pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was their first kiss, and possibly their last. Godzilla felt another tear roll down his face. Suddenly, with a sharp gasp, Mothra went limp in his arms. His eyes widened, desperately hoping this was all a twisted nightmare.
"M-Mothra?" He whispered. He shook her gently, trying to wake her up. "No..."
"I think...I think she's..." Leo began choking up. Battra knelt down and felt for a pulse. He couldn't feel one. He closed his eyes and sighed, holding back his own tears.
"She's dead." He stated.

Mothra was buried the next day. Her death was a hard blow to Godzilla's army, as well as Ghidorah's army. Even Muto shed a tear as she and the others watched Mothra being lowered into the ground. Ghidorah removed his helmet once more out of respect. On top of the grave was a large white stone that had some words carved into it.
"Here lies Mothra." It read. "A goddess. A friend. A sister. A hero. She will be missed by all." After the funeral, the island seemed much darker, and a lot smaller. The next day, Godzilla woke up to grey skies. It was as if the world knew that a piece of a greater whole was missing. He had cried himself to sleep the previous night. He slowly got up from his hammock and walked over to Mothra's old tent. The light was off. Leo and Battra had been staying in it with Mothra before yesterday, but they had chosen to leave the tent empty for the night out of respect. Godzilla walked into the tent to a small surprise. The tent was...small. Just as small as it was on the outside. The only thing left was her bed, and a framed picture. It showed Godzilla and Mothra. She was hugging him while Godzilla rolled his eyes sarcastically. Both were smiling at each other. Godzilla quickly closed the tent flap, trying to repress his old memories. He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Rodan, with a similarly solemn expression on his face.
"Rough night?" He asked.
"Yeah." He said, letting go of the tent flaps. He shoved Rodan's hand off his shoulder and walked back to his own hammock. Rodan followed. He knew Mothra's death was going to be rough on him. It was rough on everybody already. But it was what Mothra had said and done right before she died that made it especially hard on Godzilla.
"Did you love her?" Rodan asked. Godzilla stopped and turned around.
"What?" He asked.
"I just wanted to know." Rodan said. "Did you?"
Godzilla sighed. "I did. I really did." He said. "My only regret is that I never told her."
"I think she knew." Rodan said. This made Godzilla smile a little bit. Rodan smiled back.
"You know," Rodan continued. "You could still tell her. It might make you feel better."
Godzilla nodded. He knew what he had to do. He walked past Rodan and to the place where Mothra was buried. He stood over the grave, looking at the stone that marked it.
"Hey...Mothra." He said, smiling sadly. "I know it's only been a day...but I just wanted to tell you...that I love you." A tear ran down his face, but his expression and tone didn't change. "I never got to tell you, but I do. I love you. I love you so god damn much..."
He collapsed and knelt over the grave, holding back his tears and sobs. He didn't see Ghidorah walk up to him from behind.
"How sentimental." He said. Godzilla immediately got up and faced him. His expression changed to one of anger.
"What do you want?" He growled.
"Oh, I just saw you blubbering over a corpse and thought I'd watch." Ghidorah smirked. Godzilla grabbed Ghidorah's throat and raised his fist to punch him.
"One more word and I'll make sure you never talk again." Godzilla hissed.
"Is that what Mothra would want?" Ghidorah asked.
Before Godzilla could let out his pent up rage on Ghidorah's face, his arm was grabbed by something. It was a vine. Godzilla looked behind him, and saw Biolante, Gigan, Battra, and Leo.
"I'll have to ask you refrain from shattering our leader's skull." Biolante said.
Godzilla let go of Ghidorah and put his arm down. The vine disappeared into the ground.
"Look, Godzilla, we get it, you had a crush on Mothra." Gigan said, a little more harsh than he meant to sound. "But guess what, she's dead. You'll get over it." Biolante flicked him in the head with a vine, effectively shutting him up. Leo stepped foreword.
"I think what Gigan meant to say is that we were all effected by Mothra's...passing." He explained. "But we can't let it control us. I'm not saying we should move on, I'm just saying we need to stay focused for the time being."
"Leo's right." Battra commented. "Now's not the time for grieving. Now's the time to find X and Desghidorah and stop them."
Godzilla nodded in agreement. He looked back at Mothra's grave, and then back to the others.
"You're right. It's what she would have wanted." Godzilla agreed.
"Good. Because I think I may have an idea of where they could be." Leo explained.

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