Chapter 4: Trust Issues

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Godzilla wasn't the only one having trouble trusting Ghidorah. Other members of Godzilla's army were't getting along too well with Ghidorah's army. Around the middle of the day, Rodan was walking through the forest path. After a few hours of training, he needed a break. He was looking down, and didn't notice Gigan walking the opposite direction toward him. He purposefully bumped his shoulder into Rodan's as he walked past. Rodan stopped walking. He rubbed his shoulder and glared behind him at Gigan walking away.
"Oops." Gigan chuckled. Rodan gritted his teeth. Gigan pissed him off beyond all else. On impulse, he picked up a rock and threw it at his head. It directly hit it's target. Gigan suddenly stopped and turned around. He walked back up to Rodan, glaring directly into his eyes. He removed his sunglasses to emphasize his irritation.
"Did you just throw that at me?" Gigan hissed.
"Oops." Rodan smirked, and pushed past Gigan. "Just because we're working together, doesn't mean we have to get along."
"Well that's one thing we agree on." Gigan grumbled. They walked away from each other, mumbling about how they would kill each other.

At the same time, Anguirus was having similar troubles with Hedorah. It started when Anguirus was polishing his hammer, when a large object was lobbed at him. Luckily, his reflexes were insanely fast when they needed to be. He caught it before it hit his head. Unluckily, it turned out to be a ball of pollution and grime that completely coated his arm.
"Aww, come on!" Anguirus growled to himself. He looked over at Hedorah, who was now laughing and walking away. Anguirus smirked and wiped the sludge off his arm.
"Oh, that's how it's gonna be?" He asked to no one in particular. "Alright then." He picked up his hammer and flung it at Hedorah, who didn't notice at first. He looked up and saw the hammer about to hit him. Anguirus laughed as he saw him try to run away from the falling weapon, only to be hit and knocked down, probably knocked out. The hammer somehow flew back into Anguirus' hand like a boomerang. He laughed again and walked away, acting like nothing had happened, while Hedorah recovered from his new head wound.

Later that day, Mothra was walking through the deeper parts of the forest. She had excused herself from the rest of the group earlier, saying she needed some air. However, she had an ulterior motive. This was the same forest she had killed Megaguirus in. She knew there was no way the body was still there, but felt as though she needed some sort of closure, especially knowing what was coming. She was just pondering over her thoughts before her foot caught on a root and she tripped. Her face became well acquainted with a puddle of mud. As she got up and wiped the muck off of her face, she inspected the root. It began to move slowly away from her feet. Mothra cocked her head in confusion.
"What the..." She began. When she saw that the root was now gone, she knew who had caused it. The annoyingly smug laugh was just even more confirmation.
"Biolante, I know it's you." Mothra said, crossing her arms. The green haired woman laughed again and stepped out of the cover of larger plants. They seemed to move out of her way as she stepped out. Mothra guessed she was probably controlling them.
"You got me." She said. To her surprise, Mothra walked over to her and looked her directly in the face. It was a little awkward, as Biolante was about an inch taller than her. It seemed that everyone was just a little bit taller than Mothra, but that didn't bother her.
"Do you think you're funny?" Mothra inquired, trying to put on a threatening voice. "You think tripping me will get me some sort of reaction out of me?"
"Is it working?" Biolante asked, still as smug as ever. Mothra gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to slap the smug look off her face. Instead, she inched a little closer, flying up to meet Biolante's level. She didn't know why she was getting so mad at Biolante, but it felt pretty good to yell at someone.
"Well, you're not." Mothra snapped. Biolante backed up a little bit. Her smile faded slightly. "And I don't care that we're working together right now." Mothra continued. "I will not tolerate you, or anybody for that matter, being a bitch. Understand?"
Biolante's eyes widened at Mothra's little speech. To her knowledge, Mothra had never used profanity before. She had never seen this side of her before. After a few seconds, she regained her previous composure.
"Alright, calm down, it was only a joke." Biolante said. Mothra backed off, still glaring at her. Biolante ignored her and walked past, but when she was a few feet away, she stopped and asked a question.
"You're hiding something, right?" Biolante asked. "Either that, or you're feeling guilty."
Mothra turned to her. "How did you know?" She asked, a little bit quieter than before.
"I can tell." Biolante said turning around. She was looking smug again, placing a hand on her hip. "So now that I know, why don't you tell me what it is you're so guilty about?"
Mothra clenched her eyes shut. There was no way she could get out of this. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath.
"I killed Megaguirus." She blurted out. She didn't look at Biolante's face, but by the gasp she heard, she could guess her expression was a mix of surprise and shock. Biolante had met Megaguirus before. They weren't exactly friends, or even allies for that matter, but they never fought each other. And now she was dead. Killed by Mothra of all people. Biolante had a hard time believing it, especially the Mothra part.
"Wow, I didn't know you had it in you." Biolante said. It was the same thing Megaguirus said as she was dying, and it pained Mothra to hear them again.
"Whatever." Mothra said. "Now if you'll excuse me..." She pushed past Biolante and walked back into the forest. Biolante shook her head as she watched her walk away. But despite her apparent concern, she was still smiling.

8:30 PM

The day was winding down and coming to an end. Godzilla had noticed the animosity between his army and Ghidorah's. He chose not to get involved, knowing that it was completely justified. He had been trying his hardest to keep his cool around Ghidorah, but in truth, they both hated each other, and either one knew it. But that didn't matter now. Right now he was focussing on some unfortunate news. Jet had just told him that Admiral Stenz had been killed, along with everyone in the Janjira military base. A thought had crossed Godzilla's mind as he pondered this. He had not seen Muto all day. Just as he began to wonder about her location, he saw Muto running up to him. He was about to greet her, but he saw something that slightly disturbed him. She was smiling. She never smiled.
"Hey, Muto, where have you been all day?" Godzilla asked. She stood in front of him, still smiling. She was definitely up to something.
"I was just going to tell you." Muto said. "But you have to promise not to be mad."
"Okay, okay, I promise." Godzilla said. On the outside, he rolled his eyes. But on the inside, his disturbed feelings simply increased. Before Muto could tell him where she was, Ghidorah walked up behind Godzilla. He had not know that Muto was resurrected, and Muto had not known that Ghidorah was on the island in the first place. Her smile faded into a scowl.
"Hello, Ghidorah." She said dryly.
"Muto, you're looking well." Ghidorah responded. "Much more alive, at least."
Muto chose not to say any more to him, for fear that she would lose her temper. She turned back to Godzilla, but her previous cheerful demeanour had not come with her.
"As I was saying," Muto said. "I..."
She was cut off by a black and red clad figure landing in front of her, crouched over in a fighting stance, facing Godzilla. The figure brought it's head up, revealing his shaggy black hair and red glowing eyes.
"It's been a while, hasn't it, Godzilla?" Hokmuto hissed. Godzilla stared at Hokmuto in shock. Back last year, he had killed him by impaling him on a sharp piece of a crumbled building. He remembered that SpaceGodzilla was able to bring the dead back to life using his crystals. But who would bring Hokmuto back? He remembered his body was being held in the Janjira military base, where Admiral Stenz had just been murdered. That's when it hit him. He looked back to Muto, who met his gaze.
"Muto, did you..." He began. Muto nodded her head. Hokmuto stood up and took out his knife, which Muto had given back to him.
"It's time to finish what we started." Hokmuto said. He walked towards Godzilla, but Muto held him back.
"No, no, it's okay." She tried to explain. "Godzilla's cool now. We're on his side."
"What!?" Hokmuto questioned. She had not told him this earlier. Meanwhile, Godzilla pushed past him and walked over to Muto. His face was laced with rage and betrayal.
"I trusted you." He said. "I let you join my army and live on this island because you had nowhere else to go, and you did something like this?"
It was clear he was angry, and his words did have some truth to them, but Muto had her own retort. She was not entirely in the wrong.
"Well I wouldn't have had too if you didn't try to kill us in the first place!" She snapped. "And besides, this is a good thing. Now that Hokmuto and I are together again, our species can survive."
"You idiot!" Godzilla yelled. "You don't understand. Your species can not survive."
"And why not?" Muto yelled back.
In truth, there were many reasons, but Godzilla didn't want to or have time explain them all, so he chose the most important reason.
"If your species were to come back, the Earth literally could not handle it." He explained. "Either the environment would have to adapt, which would take millions of years, or you would die out in less than a month."
Muto wasn't exactly sure if this was true or not, but the information shocked her.
"Wait...really?" She asked. Hokmuto shoved his way in front of her, in a sort of protective stance. Funny, seeing as she was the stronger and more powerful of the two.
"That's a lie." He growled. "Our species could adapt, just look at the two of us."
"Yes, but that's only the two of you." Godzilla explained. "If it were a whole species.."
"Um, excuse me?" Ghidorah interupted. He had been watching there argument from the side, and getting a bit of amusement out of it. All three stopped to look at him. "As riveting as your little argument is, we have much bigger problems to deal with."
"I hate to say this, but Ghidorah's right." Godzilla said. He glared at Hokmuto, and then at Muto. She looked back at him. Finally, Godzilla spoke again.
"Both of you are still welcome to stay on the island." He said. Muto breathed a sigh of relief, while Hokmuto was unimpressed. "However," Godzilla continued, now looking directly at Muto, "You are no longer part of my army." He turned and walked away, leaving Muto with a distraught look on her face. Ghidorah nodded at the two.
"You know, it's getting late." He yawned. "If you'll excuse me, even alien warlords need their sleep."
As Ghidorah walked away, Muto looked down, realizing what she had done. It was true, Godzilla took everything from her, but it was clear that his intentions were not to harm them. He tried to help her. And she betrayed him.

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