Chapter 10: The Grand Finale

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Tokyo had been destroyed. Now, Desghidorah had moved to Okinawa, and X had gone to Akihabara to cover more ground. Godzilla and Leo had chosen to confront Desghidorah. When they arrived, half the city had been completely decimated.
"Where is he?" Leo wondered.
In the distance, and explosion erupted and a building began to crumble. The LED screens flickered and cracked as the tall skyscraper fell.
"I'd say he's over there." Godzilla answered. The two flew over to the explosion, and were there in a few seconds. Desghidorah stood in front of them, facing away. When he heard them, he turned to look at them.
"Back for more, then?" He asked. He flared his wings and drew his sword. Godzilla and Leo landed on the ground.
"Wait a moment..." Desghidorah pondered. He looked at Leo. "Who are you?"
"You don't remember me?" Leo asked. His own new wings flared out as he furrowed his brow and gritted his teeth in rage. "You remembered Mothra, didn't you?"
"Ah, right." Desghidorah remembered, nodding slightly. "You were her brother, correct?"
"Yes, that's correct." Leo said, with a slightly mocking tone. Godzilla could tell Leo was in no mood to converse, and neither was he. "But that's not why we're here." Leo continued.
"We're here to defeat you." Godzilla said. His blue and gold hair rose like a flame as he brandished his katanas. Desghidorah simply laughed.
"And what makes you think you can even attempt to defeat me now-" Godzilla quickly flew up to him and grabbed him by the throat. Before he could react, Godzilla threw him into the air with extreme force. Once he was almost a mile high in the air, Leo flew up and kicked him to the ground. He flew down like a meteor, and crashed into the Earth, creating a massive indentation. He sat up and rubbed his head.
"I'm getting real damn tired of your laugh." Godzilla growled
"What in the..." Desghidorah began to say. He was cut off by a stinging pain in his back. Looking at his wings, he could see that they were broken. The membrane between the bones was torn as well. With his wings in this condition, there would be no way he would be able to fly.
"Dammit." Desghidorah hissed. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Now, where's my sword?" He muttered.
"Ahem." He heard a voice behind him and turned to face it. The voice was coming from Leo, holding Desghidorah's sword in one hand.
"Looking for this?" Leo continued. Desghidorah smirked evilly behind his mask. He reached out to the sword, and his red glowing energy appeared again, both around his hand and the sword. Before he could take it, Leo sent a bolt of energy through the sword, shattering it in an instant. Desghidorah was shocked at first, but he quickly shifted from surprise to rage.
"How dare you!" He exclaimed. "How do you expect to fight me when I have no weapon? Have you no honour?"
He was suddenly spun around to face a very angry Godzilla, who promptly punched him in the face. From the force, he flew into a building across the street. Godzilla began walking towards him. His hair began to resemble a blazing fire, and his eyes glowed brighter and brighter with his rage.
"Since when do you care about honour?" He growled. "You certainly didn't when you murdered Mothra. Why should you start now?"
Godzilla grabbed Desghidorah and began beating him mercilessly. The pent up anger inside him was let out in a fiery explosion of rage. Leo simply watched as the beating continued. While he was a pacifist at heart, he was no stranger to violence at times when it was needed. Godzilla simply needed to vent, and Leo was going to let him. He would never admit that he was getting some enjoyment out of seeing the one who murdered his sister being tortured like this. Finally, the beating was over, at least for now. Desghidorah lay face down on the ground with cracked armour and several broken bones and bruises. He slowly tried to stand himself up, until Godzilla flew into the air and back down, landing feet first on his back. Desghidorah let out a grunt of pain as he heard a loud cracking sound. He turned his head to the side, looking at Godzilla.
"This won't bring her back." He growled.
"Oh, I know." Godzilla said. "But it makes me feel a lot better."
Godzilla grabbed onto Desghidorah's broken wings and pulled, hard. Desghidorah was no stranger to pain, but this was far too much. He let out a loud scream as his wings were violently ripped off. Finally, after a loud snapping sound, the wings were off of his back, and in Godzilla's hands. He threw them to the ground, and stepped off of Desghidorah's back.
"Given up yet?" Godzilla asked. Desghidorah slowly stood up, only stumbling slightly when he felt his broken bones.
"Not even close." He growled. Before Godzilla could even react, Desghidorah rushed towards him at an insane speed, hand outstretched and aimed at Godzilla's throat. Godzilla's Super form gave him enhanced reflexes, and he was able to dodge out of the way in time. The same could not be said for Leo, who was standing just behind Godzilla. Desghidorah grabbed him instead. He looked disappointed that it wasn't Godzilla.
"Hm. I suppose you'll do." He hissed.
"What the hell are you-" Leo's voice was strained and hoarse due to Desghidorah's hand on his throat. Without warning, he brandished the long claws on his other hand, and jabbed them into Leo's chest. He opened is mouth to scream, but no sound came out.
"Let him go, Desghidorah!" Godzilla ordered. Desghidorah ignored him as Leo became engulfed in a red glow. His glowing wings disappeared, and his eyes went back to normal. The red glow transferred through Desghidorah's arm and into his being. He chuckled darkly, and violently ripped his claws out of Leo's chest. Blood spewed out of the wound as Leo fell over. His energy had been completely drained. However, Desghidorah had regained his own energy. He heard multiple snapping and cracking noises as his bones set and healed himself. Godzilla stared, awestruck.
"What did you do to him?" He asked.
"I simply borrowed a bit of his energy." Desghidorah said. He looked completely healed, except for his wings. "Don't worry, he's fine. For now."
He thrust his arm foreword, and grabbed Godzilla with his red glowing psychic grasp. He raised Godzilla into the air and threw him into a building that hadn't been destroyed yet. With a snap of his fingers, the building exploded, bursting into flames with rubble and shrapnel flying everywhere. Next, Desghidorah psychically gathered the pieces of his broken sword, and put it back together in his hand. The sword was completely fixed, but Desghidorah felt it wasn't satisfactory.
"Hm...I can do better than this." He mumbled. Using his psychic powers, he picked up more pieces of metal and shrapnel, and added them to his sword. This new sword was massive, almost bigger than himself. He was still able to lift it pretty easily, due to his extra energy.
"Perfect." He said. He levitated himself to the pile of burning rubble that used to be a building.

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