Chapter 8: Beginning of the End

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Tokyo, Japan

A massive blue laser tore through the city of Tokyo. Within minutes, many buildings were destroyed. The laser came from X, who was wielding a long quarterstaff with blades on the end. Meanwhile, in another part of the city, the ground opened up. A massive chasm with flames erupting out suddenly appeared in the centre of town. Desghidorah was the cause of this. The two were destroying the city to make an example of their power. Once people saw what they were capable of, they would give into every demand. Earth would belong to them, along with the rest of the universe in time.

Godzilla, Leo, Battra, and Ghidorah watched this on Destroyah's handheld computer.
"It appears you were right about their location, Leo." Destroyah commented.
"This isn't good." Battra said. "If they keep this up, Tokyo and possibly other cities will be completely destroyed within the hour."
"Then we don't have much time." Ghidorah said. He held out his arms, and his swords appeared in his hands. Like his outfit, his swords were different now. They more closely resembled katanas. Like his armour, they were coloured gold. Ghidorah placed the swords on his back, and flew off towards Tokyo at lightning speed.
"Should we follow him?" Leo asked.
"No. He can handle this." Destroyah explained. "However, if things get complicated, I have a plan B."

Ghidorah appeared before X and Desghidorah in Tokyo a few minutes later. The three did not attack each other, instead they simply greeted each other.
"Greetings, brother." X said. "We figured you would show up soon."
"I assume you came to help us conquer this worthless planet?" Desghidorah asked.
"No. Unfortunately, I'm only here to deliver a message." Ghidorah explained. X and Desghidorah looked at each other, then back to Ghidorah. Both of them crossed their arms. X motioned for Ghidorah to continue. "Go on." He said.
"This planet is far from worthless." Ghidorah began to explain. "Compared to our planet, the Earth is a mere infant. It would be wrong to conquer it in it's fledgeling state."
Ghidorah waited for a response, but instead, Desghidorah laughed darkly. "Is that so?" He asked. "Because I remember records of you attempting to conquer it on many accounts."
"Including one account barely a few months ago." X continued. Desghidorah nodded.
"I had my reasons." Ghidorah growled.
"Or maybe you just want to hoard this planet for yourself." X accused. Desghidorah chuckled as the two approached Ghidorah. He unsheathed his swords in defence. X did the same with has staff, and Desghidorah took out his broadsword.
"You're either with us, or against us, brother." X explained. "The choice is yours."
Ghidorah jumped in the air and attacked the two. They dodged out of the way, but with a swing of his sword, Ghidorah struck X in the side, barely making a notch in his armour. X retaliated by hitting Ghidorah in the face a few times with his staff. Desghidorah viciously kicked Ghidorah in the spine, making him fall over foreword into a kneeling position as he clutched his back in pain. He didn't get much time to think, because Desghidorah quickly stepped on the back of his head, grinding his face into the pavement.
"Wrong answer." He hissed.

Godzilla and the others watched the beating on screen. The two were obviously sparing no mercy, even considering that Ghidorah was their brother. After an intense beat down, Ghidorah found an opening, got up and flew away, with the others following him. Godzilla knew Ghidorah wouldn't survive this battle alone. He turned to Destroyah.
"Plan B?" He asked.
"Plan B." Destroyah nodded. He set the computer down and picked up a shining metal helmet from a large bag. It looked as if it would cover someones entire face, and it had three horns on each side. All sorts of wiring and mechanics were inside. He handed it to Godzilla.
"What's this?" He asked. He decided against attempting to put it on, not exactly knowing what it would to to his face if he did.
"It's a device I created." Destroyah explained. "It's coded to Ghidorah's DNA. Once he puts it on, he will gain his Mecha-Ghidorah armour and abilities.
Godzilla nodded. "So you're gonna take it to him?"
"No." Destroyah shook his head. "You're going to take it to him." Godzilla raised a confused eyebrow.
"How am I supposed to get over there in time?" Godzilla asked.
"Simple." Destroyah said. He picked up the computer and pressed a button. A blue ring of light appeared around Godzilla. The ring began to rotate and spin, slowly increasing in speed. Within seconds, Godzilla and the ring of light were gone. Leo and Battra looked around, confused.
"Where'd he go?" Leo asked. "What did you do to him?"
"Nothing." Destroyah explained. "I teleported him to Ghidorah's location."

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