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Near Mount Rausu, Japan

Loud snoring emanated from inside a cave. Unlike Muto, the individual living in this cave didn't mind the conditions so much. He wore a pale yellow long sleeved shirt with red pants, and a vest the same colour. He also wore brown boots and fingerless work gloves. His blonde mop of hair was spiked slightly upwards, and welding goggles sat on his eyes. Almost every inch of him was covered with dirt. He was still fast asleep and snoring away. Suddenly, he was woken by a loud crash.
"I wasn't asleep..." He grumbled to himself. He pulled up the goggles, looking out of the mouth of the cave. He saw the same billowing black and red smoke as Godzilla and the others on the island. His eyes widened.
"Oh, crap, crap, crap!" He whispered. "This is not good. I gotta tell Godzilla!"
He repositioned the goggles on his face and picked up a pair of steel hand-shovels.
"From here it should be about a...3 day journey." He thought. "Maybe 4. I should hurry."
Quickly and efficiently, Baragon dug his way underground and off to Monster Island

Hokmuto woke with a start. He looked around and saw the strange and unfamiliar surroundings. He was in a room filled with strange technology and equipment.
"Where am I?" He whispered. He looked over to see another figure, standing facing a large glass pane away from him, looking outside.
"Ah, so you're awake." It was Ghidorah.
"What am I doing here?" Hokmuto asked.
"I have a plan." Ghidorah explained. "I took advantage of being close to Godzilla and the others. I analyzed their strengths and weaknesses with the help of my own army. Rodan is impulsive when he loses his temper. Anguirus has amazing reflexes, almost too good. Even Godzilla himself has some flaws."
"And what does that have to do with me?" Hokmuto asked.
"My plan requires a new recruit." Ghidorah explained. He turned around to face him. "Congratulations. You're it."
Hokmuto raised an eyebrow. Muto wouldn't have anything to do with him now, and he still hated Godzilla. He had nowhere else to go. Maybe this would be a good option.
"Alright, fine." Hokmuto said. "So what's the plan?"
"First..." Ghidorah explained, with a grin, "We need to find another universe."

The End
For Now

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