Chapter 6: Matter over Mind

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By early morning, the drones had arrived. They emitted a strange undetectable signal which reached the minds of Anguirus, Ceaser, Zilla, and Battra. Ceaser was the first to wake up.
"What's going on?" he thought. "I have no control over my body..." He tried to raise his arm, but found that he couldn't. Instead he got out of his hammock and started running towards the forrest. Now he knew what was happening.
"I'm under X's mind control." He realized. "He's probably making me attack Godzilla again. I hope this doesn't end up too bad."
Finally, he got to Godzilla's hammock. Ceaser watched himself grab Godzilla out of the hammock and throw him at a tree. He woke up and rubbed his head.
"Ow! What was that for?" Godzilla said.
Ceaser didn't speak. Instead, he ran up to Godzilla and kicked at him. Before he did, Godzilla noticed a purple tint in his eyes. Godzilla quickly caught his foot, flipping him upside down.
"Ah, you're under mind control again." Godzilla understood now. He picked himself up and dusted himself off. He grabbed his sword, which had conveniently landed beside him. Ceaser got into a battle stance.
"Looks like I need to beat your consciousness back into you." Godzilla said. He smirked. "I can't say I'm not gonna enjoy this."
Before he could attack, he was grabbed from behind. A brainwashed Anguirus spun him around and punched him in the face, hard. He fell to the ground, looking up at him.
"You too, huh?" Godzilla said, getting back up. "Alright, let's see how you fight without your hammer."

Half of the trees in the area erupted into flame. Zilla hadn't used his heat ray ability in a while, but this wasn't truly Zilla. He was also under mind control, and right now he had Jet, Varan, and Rodan nearly pinned against a wall of flame.
"I think the mind control is making him stronger." Varan suggested.
"Probably. Zilla wouldn't stand a chance against us otherwise." Jet said.
Finally, Zilla attacked. He ran towards them slashing his sword. In his mind, he was apologizing with every strike, but he was unable to voice his apologies. Varan and Rodan flew into the air, while Jet simply dodged to the side. Varan started throwing knives at Zilla, but he simply swatted them away, retaliating with another heat ray, which Varan managed to dodge. While he was distracted, Jet pressed a fe buttons on his arm, transforming his arm into a laser canon, shooting it at Zilla. When the laser beam hit, it barely left a mark. Zilla turned back around to face Jet, and swung his sword at him and knocking him to the ground. Before Zilla could give the final blow, Godzilla flew through the trees and crashed into him. Jet got back up.
"Having a bit of trouble, Godzilla?" He asked.
"You could say that." Godzilla responded, rubbing his newly bruised eye.
While they were talking, Zilla sat up, holding his head. "What just happened?" He asked.
"You were being brainwashed." Rodan said, landing on the ground. "Probably by X."
"Dammit, not again!" Zilla said. "What did I do this time?"
Jet gestured to the wall of flame behind them. The flames were dying down slowly, but the fire still raged. Godzilla slashed his arm through the air, sending a shockwave of wind that put out the flames, just as Anguirus and Ceaser jumped out. They were still under X's mind control. Anguirus now had his hammer, making things a little more difficult for Godzilla and the others.
"Great, them too?" Jet asked, recharging his arm canon.
"Yeah, them too." Godzilla confirmed.
Anguirus flung his hammer at Varan, knocking him out of the sky with a loud smack. Meanwhile, Ceaser shot his laser eye beams at Rodan, hitting him in the leg and bringing him down as well. Now they were on a level playing field. Anguirus charged at Jet, who fired his own laser beam from his eyes. He made sure not to use his full power, only meaning to catch Anguirus off guard. His plan succeeded, and Anguirus stopped charging. He shook his head briefly in blinded confusion. Jet took advantage of the situation and roundhouse kicked him in the head, sending him into the ground. When he got back up, his mind was his again.
"Geez...what happened last night?" Anguirus asked.
"X brainwashed you." Jet explained. "Ceaser too." He gestured to his side, where Godzilla, Zilla, Rodan, and Varan were attempting to snap Ceaser out of his trance.
"Great." Anguirus muttered. "How much damage did I do?"
"Not much." Jet said. He raised his arm cannon, transforming it back into his forearm again. He ejected a cylindrical piece of metal from his wrist. He pressed a button on the cylinder, and it opened up into a long quarterstaff. Anguirus raised a confused eyebrow.
"Since when do you have that?" He asked.
"I forgot I had it." Jet said. He swung the staff around in the air. "But I wonder if anyone has been brainwashed."

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