(corpse bride)who am i?

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summary: victor is having an identity crisis after learning about his real dad, he has no idea what to do or how to think about himself anymore.

author note: i like writing songs, it's a lot of fun for me.

it shows victor outside, looking at the shining moon.

victor:'thinks'everything is just so....so different, so unique, so....amazing.

he looks at the lake, seeing his own reflection and says.


who am i?

i don't know who i am anymore~

he walks away from the lake and looks at a tree.


i know i'm not strong

mentally or phsyically

if anything

i'm just a weak twig~

he starts to climb up the tree, his hair blows in the wind.


i feel like the wind

i feel like the water

i feel like the leafs on the ground~

he sits down on a branch and looks at the moon.


i feel like the moon

all alone in the sky

but the stars are there

to keep the moon company

unlike me

i feel alone, like the moon~

we don't look like the stars

but we still feel alone

because i'm still questioning

who am i~

he leans against the tree.


who am i!

i am me~

i don't feel alone in this world


he smiles, then he gulps when he sees how high up he's in the tree.

victor: maybe i shouldnt have climbed up this tree....

he gulps and holds onto the tree to he wouldn't fall down and not die.

victor: help......

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