8. WAR PT.2

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But before my sentence could conclude, a knight barges through the gold doubled doors. "We are under attack.", he declares. Everyone's eyes, including mine, shifted to the king, we were as frightened as a mouse fleeing from a cat, unsure of our survival. His breathing was rapid. Our king was many things, but not brave. And everyone knew it. My concern grew when no one drove, we stood still, lingering for the attack. The glass windows were shattered, and the guards fearless enough to defend us, were slaughtered. It was war. A war the kingdom wasn't equipped for.

The king eventually moves, his hand grasping ahold of mine. "We cannot stay here."

"We cannot leave our people. You are king, our kingdom will be triumphant. You have me, and you have your devoted people."

My hand grazes his cheek, as my lips form a smile. "We must face this fight together. What more do you need?"

He beams. Hopefully, I'm right. My head spins to a knight holding onto a sharp silver spear. "Pass me the arrow."

The door barges open, and we are confronted with a ton of soldiers, as they quickly plunge their swords towards our knights. And the fight begins

A male knight charges his sword towards me, my waist quickly dodging it in an instant. My arrow impales into his stomach, as he falls to the floor. My eyes bear over to find the king overpowering other soldiers, great!

But when my vision shifts back, it is approached with a quick sneak attack, as the sword makes a deep cut into my left arm, a sharp pain rushes to my head, and my eyes meet the red blood leaking to the floor.

He lets out a chuckle, the smell of his cigarettes was strong, my hand grabs the statue, and my right hand throws it to his head, causing blood to drip from his hairline onto the forehead, the sound of his head crashing to the floor, as he plunged backward.

Dashing upstairs, merely to find... 

Six Red Curses: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now