10. "wrists as black as ink"

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Then my hand moves, my eyes shifting to the dark queen, observing as she tugs my hand, and falls to the floor. My mouth lets out a soft gasp, my vision focusing on the heart in my hand. I pulled out a heart, and Damian's gone. "What did I just do?"

Dropping the heart, my vision catches a peek of my veins, now black as ink. Oh No! My hand racks my sleeves, uncovering my once bloody arms, now healed.

"Shira!", the king clamors, bolting towards me, as my hands briskly shield my black veins. He cannot know about this. His Majesty draws me into a hug. "Let us go home.", my mouth advises, trekking ahead, and the king pursues. My eyes couldn't help but stare at my wrist, the black ink spreading towards my hands. An unsettling feeling began welling inside me. There's something wrong. I've heard the legends of pulling out a heart, you become wicked, and your heart becomes dark, but no one would've thought it could happen to them. Until it happened to me—

Looking out the window, as my cottage emerges in front of us. "Are you ready?", his majesty asks me. I nod, tolerating a brisk smile, and then amble to my cottage gate. "Shira!", my elders call out, towing me into a hug. "We were so worried."

Their eyes turn, as a light smile forms on my lips, and my mind recalls, that the king is behind me. "Your majesty.", they let out in a curtsy. "Thank you, for keeping her safe."

"It was my pleasure.", the king said, with a graceful smile.

"Oh, you must stay for dinner."

God, no

"The king is plenty busy, with all his royal duties. He merely doesn't have the time—"

"Nonsense. It'll be as swift as the— the blink of an eye. "

"I could stay for a bit— if you'll have me, Shira?"

My regards pivot to my elders, their eyebrows lifting, and their lips quivering. He will be my husband, and our feasts will be obligatory, perhaps I should become accustomed to the notion. "Yes, a dinner would be lovely."

"I'll prepare.", my elders display, conducting towards the kitchen. My head turns to the king, as my hand lays on his. "I must freshen up. If my elders ask, I'm in the washroom."

My legs proceed upstairs, encountering a window. I must speak to the angels, hopefully, my elders won't be as infuriated once they find out why. 

My body plunges from the window onto the patio. That hurt way more than desired. 

To Be Continued...

Six Red Curses: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now