Halloween preparations!! 👻(part 1)

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note: HEYYYY HITCHANNIE LOVERS!! im making a halloween special chapters! there will be a chapter each day to halloween so be prepared 🎃🎃

With Halloween fast approaching, Annie, Hitch, Historia, Ymir, and Mikasa decided to organize a spooktacular party in Lezboslavija. They gathered in Annie and Hitch's cabin, which had become their unofficial party planning headquarters.

Hitch: "Alright, team, Halloween is almost here, and we need to come up with some killer costumes and party ideas."

Ymir: "Let's not forget the snacks and the creepy decorations. I want this to be the best party ever."

Mikasa: "I'm not usually one for costumes, but for you guys, I'm in."

Historia: "This is going to be so much fun! I've always wanted to celebrate Halloween."

Annie: smirking "Let's get creative. We need costumes that'll turn heads and give everyone a good scare."

Hitch: "I've got an idea. What if we all dress up as different classic monsters? We can be a vampire, a werewolf, a mummy, a witch, and a ghost."

Ymir: "That sounds cool, but how are we going to decide who's which monster?"

Mikasa: "We could draw straws or something. The suspense will make it even more fun."

They each drew a straw, and the room filled with anticipation. As they opened their straws, their monster identities were revealed:

Annie - The Vampire 

Hitch - The Werewolf 

Historia - The Mummy 

Ymir - The Witch 

Mikasa - The Ghost

Hitch: "Perfect! Now, onto decorations. We need cobwebs, eerie lighting, and a cauldron for Ymir's witchy brew."

Ymir: grinning "And don't forget the creepy music playlist. I've got some spooky tunes in mind."

Mikasa: "I'll take care of the snacks. How about finger-shaped cookies and gummy worms?"

Historia: "And we can carve pumpkins to set the mood. Let's make them as scary as possible."

The party planning continued late into the night. They laughed, brainstormed, and shared stories about their past Halloweens.

As they finalized their plans, they couldn't help but feel excited for the upcoming Halloween party. It was going to be a night filled with fun, scares, and unforgettable memories—a perfect way to celebrate their unique bond and the love they had for each other.

note: if you guys would like to i will draw fanarts of these costumes so that you can imagine it better! they will be in the next chapter maybeee >:)

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