Don't want to be alone

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It was a tough day for Kensi. The team had a case, it involved a marine who was murdered and his daughter was homeless. Kensi wanted to be alone as this case upset her. She told Deeks she wanted to be alone and Deeks told her he was fine with it. Kensi was sitting at home, in silence for hours and wasn't feeling an better. After a while, Kensi realised that she didn't want to be alone. She decided to call Deeks, even though it was late. Kensi picked up her phone and called Deeks.

"Hello?" Deeks groaned, with a sleepy voice and Kensi heard a yawn.

"Deeks, sorry, did I wake you?" Kensi sighed with an apologetic voice. She bit her lip and looked down.

"Kens, what? no. What's wrong? Are you okay?" Deeks said as he sat up in the bed. He lied to her to make sure she was okay. Deeks rubbed his eyes and turned on the lamp next to him.

"Can I uh come over? Or you can come over here" Kensi said slowly and shyly.

"I'll be over in a few minutes, are you okay?" Deeks said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Can we talk when you are here?" Kensi said, feeling a little better now that she is talking to Deeks and he will be with her soon.

"Yeah, sure" Deeks said. He knew what was wrong, the case affected her and she was determined to help the daughter but sadly she was no where to be found. Deeks drove to Kensi's place and he knocked on her door. Kensi opened the door and looked at Deeks, giving him a small smile. She saw that he was wearing the shorts he wore to bed and a t shirt.

"You were in bed" Kensi sighed and let him in.

"I wasn't really tired" Deeks smiled with a small laugh. He sat on the couch and Kensi sat next to him.

"What's up?" Deeks asked with a sympathetic voice.

"The case" Kensi said as she looked down at the hands. Deeks took her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I know" Deeks said as he put his fingers under her chin and lifted her head.

"It's just ... I was homeless when my dad died and - and - and.." Kensi had to stop as she was started to tear up. Deeks pulled her to him and hugged her.

"It's okay" He whispered into her ear and she cried into his chest. Kensi lifted her head and Deeks wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Why am I crying? I'm stronger than this" Kensi sighed.

"I know you are. But we all have something that affects us and we have no control over"

Kensi looked into his eyes and kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?" Deeks asked with a smirk. Kensi shrugged her shoulders and after a few seconds, she had an answer.

"Being a good boyfriend and understanding me" Kensi smiled and Deeks kissed her.

"Well, it's easy to be a good boyfriend when you have the best girlfriend" Deeks said and made Kennsi smile and blush. Deeks rubbed Kensi's cheek with his thumb.

"I love you Marty" Kensi said, leaving Deeks shocked that she said his first name.

"Did I hear that right, did you say Marty?" Deeks smiled, making Kensi smiled.

"It feels weird for me to say it" Kensi laughed. Deeks laughed as well and yawned.

"You tired? Want to go to bed?" Kensi asked.

"I think I'm going to go home" Deeks lied, waiting to see Kensi's reaction. Her eyes opened and was shocked.

"What? Why?" Kensi said, shocked.

"I was joking. Of course I'm going to stay here" Deeks smiled. Kensi punched him in the arm.

"What was that for?" Deeks whined.

"I thought you were leaving me"

"I'll never leave you. You are stuck with me for life" Deeks smiled, making Kensi laugh. Kensi stood up and held out her hands. Deeks took her hands and Kensi pulled him up.

"I'm going to bed and you can go back to sleep" Kensi said with a small smile. Deeks nodded his head and Kensi walked into her room and she got ready for bed while Deeks rested his head on the pillow. Kensi got into bed and Deeks wrapped his arms around her waist. Kensi rested her head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

"Goodnight Fern"

"Goodnight Deeks"

Deeks turned of the light beside him and they went to sleep.

Thanks for reading my first one shot. I will update as much as I can. If you have any ideas, please comment them or message me. I will use all ideas xx Don't forget to comment and vote xx Thank you

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