Telling Him

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Kensi and Deeks have been married for over a year. Deeks had noticed that Kensi was acting strange. They were in work. Kensi and Deeks were doing paperwork and Callen and Sam were in the gym.
"Kens" Deeks said as he looked over at his wife.
"Hmm" Kensi said, not lifting her head from her laptop.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know. You seem different"
"I'm fine, Deeks" Kensi sighed.
"Okay" Deeks said, not trying to push her to answer him.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Deeks said a few minutes later.
Kensi just nodded her head and didn't lift her head.
"What Deeks?" Kensi said angrily.
"Look at me" Deeks said calmly. Kensi shook her head.
Deeks stood up and slowly walked over to Kensi. He crouched down next her and she refused to show her face.
"Kens, look at me"
Kensi looked at him and he say tears streaming down her face. Deeks felt his heart sink. He hates seeing the women he loves upset.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I just.. Nothing. I'm fine"
"Kens, Tell me" Deeks said softly.
Kensi looked around and then grabbed Deeks' wrist and brought him into the burn room. Once the door was closed, Kensi started to break down. Deeks wrapped his arms around her and Kensi cried into his chest.
"Kensi, what's going on?"
Kensi pulled away and looked into his eyes.
"Deeks, I'm-I'm p-p-p-pregnant"
Deeks just smiled and looked like a child at Christmas.
"What? Why are you sad?" He asked.
"I thought you would leave me" Kensi said.
"Leave you? I would never leave you and this is the best news I have ever heard"
"Yes. This is amazing!" Deeks said excited.
Kensi started to smile. Deeks kissed her. The two were excited to start their own little family.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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