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Kensi woke up, sweating and shaking. She sat on the side of the bed and buried her head in her hands. Kensi felt a hand on her back, she turned around and saw Deeks sitting up.

"Hey" Kensi whispered. Deeks moved and sat next to his girlfriend.

"You okay?" Deeks asked.

"What? Yeah .. Of course I am .... Why wouldn't I be?" 


"Deeks, I'm fine" Kensi said and got her clothes for the day and went into the bathroom and got ready. Deeks got out of the bed and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Kens ..... open up" Deeks knocked on the door. Kensi opened the door and leaned on the frame of the door. Deeks raised his hand and planted it on Kensi's forehead.

"Kens, you're sick"

"I'm fine, I don't feel sick .... Get ready for work, we will be late" Kensi argued and walked to the kitchen and made herself breakfast. Deeks got dressed and walked into the kitchen and saw Kensi eating toast.

"I'm assuming that you aren't going to listen to me"

"Nope" Kensi said and coughed. They drove to ops and walked into the bullpen. After a while, Hetty sent Kensi home, as she was getting her things to leave, a women walked into the bullpen. Kensi looked up and saw Talia del Campo.

"Hello Boys, Hey partner" Talia said to Deeks, ignoring Kensi.

"What are you doing here?" Callen asked.

"We got a case and need your help" Talia replied and Hetty walked in.

"Mr Deeks will partner with Talia"

"Hetty, I think it would be best if I went home and stayed with Kensi" Deeks said.

"Mr Deeks, you will be home soon, now, up to ops." Hetty said. Callen, Sam and Talia went up to ops and Deeks walked over to Kensi.

2"Hey,  I'll be home soon" Deeks said.

"Yeah, I know... Be safe"

"I will" Deeks nodded. Kensi kissed Deeks' cheek and went home. Kensi went to Deeks' place and watched TV and worried about Deeks. A few hours later, Deeks came in and saw Kensi sitting on the couch. Kensi stood up and hugged Deeks and he sat down.

"What was the case?"

"Uh .. A marine was dealing but we got him"

"How was Talia?"

"Annoying, she brought me home .... asked me if I wanted to go out for drinks"

"What did you say?"

"I said no, I have to get back to my hot girlfriend"

"Oh my God, please tell me you did not say that" Kensi laughed.

"Well, I didn't say those exact words but I think that's what I meant" Deeks smiled.

"What exactly did you say?"

"I said, I have to go home and take care of my partner"

Before Kensi could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Deeks opened the door and saw Talia.

"Hey partner" She smiled.

"Talia, What are you doing here?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight or maybe another time"

"I already said no and I don't think I'll be able to go out any time soon, you should go"

"Is Kensi here? Is that why you don't want to go out?"

"Yeah, I am here" Kensi said as she stood next to Deeks and forced a smile. Talia looked at Kensi and looked back at Deeks.

"Can I come in?" Talia smiled at Deeks.

"No" Kensi said.

"I was asking Deeks, after all, this is his house"

"Go home Talia" Deeks said.

"You should tell your girlfriend what happened today" Talia whispered and smiled, slightly hitting Deeks' stomach and walked away. When Talia hit Deeks, he moved back slightly and whined, Kensi noticed it. Deeks closed the door and they sat down. Kensi lifted his shirt slightly and saw he was covered in bruises.

"What happened?" Kensi asked.

"Oh, you know ... some guy fought back, I'm fine" Deeks said.

"And ..... Talia tried to kiss me" Deeks said and his voice faded away.

"What?!" Kensi said angrily.

"I stopped her and told her that I was with you and she stopped ... nothing happened"

"Okay" Kensi whispered, surprising Deeks.

"You're okay with it?" Deeks asked.

"Not really but I trust you and I believe you"



"I love you" Deeks smiled.

"I love you too" Deeks leaned in to kiss Kensi but she moved her head.

"What?" Deeks asked.

"I'm sick"

"I don't care" Deeks said and kissed Kensi.


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