Into the woods III

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Kensi and Deeks slept for a few hours and then switched with Callen and Sam. Kensi and Deeks were outside, the sun was starting to rise.

"This is nice" Deeks whispered.


"I think it would be better if we weren't surrounded by bears and bugs"

"Deeks, there are no bears"

"Sure there are"

"Deeks ..." Kensi sighed.

"Fern, I'm just sayi-" Deeks was interrupted by a noise amongst the trees.

"Okay, if there are no bears, what the hell was that?" Deeks said. Kensi pulled out her knife. They stood up and walked towards the noise. Suddenly, Nell and Eric came out of the tree.

"What are you doing here?" Kensi asked.

"Hetty sent us" Nell said.

"Are we going home? Great, let's go" Deeks said quickly. "Come on boys, wake up, we're going" Deeks called Callen and Sam. Callen and Sam came out and saw Eric and Nell.

"You're not going home" Eric said.

"What? Why?" Callen asked. The four agents stood in front of the two tech nerds. Nell and Eric turned around and pulled out two large buckets of water and ice.

"Is that for us?" Deeks asked.

"Sorta" Eric and Nell poured the water over the others and ran out.

"Sorry guys... Hetty's orders" Nell shouted as they ran away.

"Oh .. my .. god" Deeks shivered.

"That's it! I'm going to break into my car" Kensi shivered.

"We took my car" Deeks  said.

"You got clothes in the back?"


"Great" Kensi said, she found a big rock and turned around.

"Who wants dry clothes?" Kensi asked.

"Kens, we can make this work" Sam said.

"No we can't Sam. We are starving, freezing, running out of water and we have only slept for like three hours" Kensi argued.

"We can make this work" Sam repeated.

"How?" Kensi asked, Sam looked around and thought for a moment.

"The blankets"


"We can take off our clothes and cover ourselves with the blankets"

"Will it work?" Deeks asked.

"Our body temperature will rise once we have the wet clothes off"

"We only have two blankets"

"We can share or take turns"

"We all have to warm up, we'll share" Kensi said. She got the blankets and they took off their tops and bottoms, leaving them in their underwear and Kensi in her bra and underwear. Deeks wrapped the blanket around her and they shared and Callen and Sam shared.

"This has got to be the weirdest thing we have ever done" Callen said. They others agreed. The day was slow, they just waited for Hetty to come back and give them all their things.

"So, why did you keep your relationship a secret?" Callen asked.

Kensi and Deeks shared a look. "We didn't know how you would react and Deeks could've been sent back to LAPD" Kensi said. Deeks looked over at the clothes that we next to the fire drying.

"Oh hey, I think the clothes are dry" Deeks said, changing the subject. He went over to check and they were dry. He threw the clothes over and they got dressed. A few hours later, it was getting dark and they were starting to wonder if Hetty was going to come. Hetty came into the space and look at her agents, covered into dirt and wet and paler.

"We need to have a chat" Callen said.

"Of course Mr Callen, but first I would like to see you in ops"

"Now? Can't we go home and come in tomorrow?" Deeks asked.

"I think it's best if you come in now" She said as she dropped a box and all their belongings were in it. They got their things and followed Hetty. Kensi and Deeks got into the car and they all drove back to work.

"That was uh different" Deeks said.

"Yeah" Kensi said. When they arrived, Hetty was standing at the door and waited until they were all in front of her. She opened the door and they all walked in. While they were walking in, they saw everyone who worked in the building standing behind a table and all of them started clapping.

"These four, worked together as a team to make it through a weekend in the woods, with nothing but themselves and a tent. These four agents worked together to make it work. Congratulations Mr Callen, Hanna, Deeks and Ms Blye. Now I'm aware that you haven't eaten or slept in a while so you can eat now and you have tomorrow off and sleep then.... Dig in" Hetty smiled. She showed them a large table of food and a cake. They ate and a while later, went home. Callen went home to Joelle, Sam went home to his wife and kids and Kensi and Deeks went home to Monty who was excited to see them. Kensi and Deeks went to bed and slept in peace.


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