Dance with me

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Kensi and Deeks have been in an open relationship for a few months. Just like every other day, Kensi and Deeks walked into the bullpen and sat at their desks next to Callen and Sam, who were already working.

"I don't get it" Kensi said to Deeks as she set her things on her desk.

"Oh look, the love birds are fighting again" Sam smiled.

"No, No, we are not fighting, we are having a simple discussion" Deeks said.

"About what?"

Kensi and Deeks shared a look. "Peeing" Kensi sighed.


"Deeks won't pee in public places. We went out for dinner last night and for over an hour, Deeks complained that he had to pee"

"Well I'm sorry that I don't pee anywhere,unlike you" Deeks said, looking at Kensi.

"Okay, I have an idea, let's stop talking about pee" Callen said. A few seconds later, Hetty walked in, holding four golden envelopes.

"I agree Mr Callen"

"What's that?" Callen asked. Hetty gave a slight, toothless smile and handed the envelopes out. They all opened the envelopes, Deeks cleared his throat and read it aloud, using a posh British accent.

"Dear Marty Deeks, you and a plus one are invited to the first official NCIS ball tonight at 7pm"

"What is this?" Callen asked.

"Can't you read Mr Callen? There is a dance for you four and Eric and Nell. It will be taking place right here and yes Mr Callen, you can bring Joelle"

"So this is a reward for not dying?" Sam smirked and Hetty gave a smile and nod.

"You have the rest of the off to prepare yourselves, I will see you all at seven" Hetty said and walked back to her desk. The four agents stood up and left. Kensi and Deeks got into Kensi's car and she started driving.

"Your place or mine?" Kensi asked.

"Let's go to the mall first, you can buy a new dress"

"I have a dress at home"

"Oh come on, how about I buy it?"

"Well, if you're buying, I suppose we could have a look" Kensi said. Kensi drove to the mall and they went to Kensi's favourite store. Deeks walked around the room while Kensi looked at dresses.

"I have a problem" Deeks said.

"What? You need to pee?"

"No, I'm the only guy in here"

"You're such a baby" Kensi said as she pulled out a red dress.

"That's hot" Deeks said as he looked at it. Kensi left and tried it on and came back to Deeks, with the dress in her hands.

"Wait, I don't get to see you in it?"

"You will see me tonight" Kensi said.

Deeks bought the dress and they got into the car and Kensi drove.

"Where to?" Kensi asked.

"Go to mine and I will get my suit and then yours" Deeks replied. Kensi drove to Deeks' place and he ran in, got his suit and ran out. They went to Kensi's and watched TV for a while and then started to get ready.

"Come on Fern, we're going to be late" Deeks yelled.

"Coming" Kensi said as she came out of the bedroom.

Deeks looked at her and all he could say was "Wow"

"You're not to bad yourself" Kensi smiled.

"You are so beautiful"

"Deeks .. stop" Kensi blushed.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen"

Kensi remained silent and blushed and smiled.

"Shall we go?" Deeks asked as he lifted his arm. Kensi took his arm and kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"Being the best boyfriend and partner ever" Deeks smiled and they walked to the car. They got into the car and drove to ops. Kensi and Deeks walked in and saw everyone talking and laughing.

"There's the cute couple" Callen said. Kensi and Deeks walked over to the team. After a while, Hetty came over.

"What are you doing just standing around? The dance floor awaits" Hetty smiled.

They all walked out and danced in two's. Kensi and Deeks, Callen and Joelle, Sam and Michelle and Eric and Nell. Deeks wrapped his arms around Kensi's waist and pulled her close. Kensi rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Remember when I said you looked beautiful?" Deeks whispered.

"Yeah" Kensi replied.

"You aren't just beautiful ..... You are perfect" Deeks said, causing Kensi to blush.

"I love you so much" Kensi said.

"I love you too" Deeks said. Kensi lifted her head and kissed Deeks. The rest of the night was full of dancing, laughter and fun.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote. If you have any idea's you can comment them or private message me. Love you all xx

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