Birthday Surprises

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Hope you like it xx

It was Deeks' birthday. Kensi woke up and saw Deeks sleeping beside her. She leaned over and kissed his lips. He started to move and smiled.

"That is the best way anyone has woken me"

"Well, it's your special day"

"Kens, it's just a normal day"

"No it's not. It's your birthday and I got you something special"

"Fern, you didn't have to get me anything"

Kensi quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed Deeks by the wrist. They walked to the living room and Deeks saw a surf board standing against the wall. It was blue with waves and on the bottom it had his initials.

"You like it?" Kensi asked nervously.

"I love it" Deeks smiled. He kissed Kensi and smiled.

"I love you" Kensi said.

"I love you too" Deeks said.

"I have something to ask you" Kensi said nervously. 

"Okay" Deeks said worried. Kensi  lead him to the couch and they sat down. They faced each other and Kensi took a deep breath.

"So we have been dating for a while and we spent almost every night together, I was wondering if you wanted to .... If you wanted to move in with me"

"Kens, I would love too"


"Of course, I love you more than anything and I would love to live with you but let's buy a new house. Let's make it extra special" Deeks smiled.

Kensi smiled and they kissed but Deeks pulled away quickly.


"I have something to show you" Deeks smiled and Kensi looked confused. Deeks stood up and walked over to a drawer and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Kensi.

"What is this?"

"Open it" Deeks smiled.

Kensi opened it and saw a badge inside. She pulled it out and saw that it was an NCIS badge for Deeks.

"I was going to surprise you but I think now is a good time to tell you that I'm an agent"

Kensi covered her mouth in shock and tears started to form.

"You're an agent! You're an agent!" Kensi said happily. She ran to Deeks and hugged him.

"I'm guessing you're happy about this"

"This is amazing news Deeks"

"I did it for you"

"What?" Kensi asked.

"I wanted make sure that I would never be sent back to LAPD and never work with you again so I signed the papers"

"I love you so much Deeks"

"I love you too Kens" Deeks said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.


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