Into the woods II

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Kensi and Deeks lied awake all night, listening to the creatures of the wilderness. Kensi sat up and Deeks looked at her.

"You okay?" Deeks asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Kensi replied. Deeks shrugged his shoulders and gave a small smile.

"What?" Kensi asked.

"Even in the middle of the night in a bug infested forest, you are still perfect"

"Deeks ... stop" Kensi blushed and punched him in the shoulder.

"What was that for?" Deeks whined. Kensi shrugged her shoulder and smirked. A few hours of talking and sitting in silence, the sun arose.

"I'm going for a walk, see what I can find" Kensi said as she opened the door of the tent and walked out.

"Kensi .. wait, there could be bears" Deeks said and followed Kensi.

"Bears? There are no bears here"

"You don't know that" Deeks said. Kensi walked away and started looking around. Deeks ran after her.

"Last night you were terrified to walk alone" Deeks joked.

"And you weren't?"

"No because I'm a man" Deeks smiled. Kensi walked closer and stood in front of him.

"A man?" Kensi laughed.

"Yeah" Deeks said seriously.

"Okay, come on Mr Man" Kensi joked and walked away. After an hour of walking around, they found nothing. Kensi found footprints.

"Deeks" Kensi called. Deeks walked over and saw them. Kensi and Deeks followed the trail and saw Callen and Sam walking towards them.

"Hey" Callen said.

"What are you doing?" Kensi asked.

"Same as you, why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep, you?" Deeks said.

"Same" Sam replied.

"Did you find anything?" Kensi asked.

"That would be a negative"

"Alright, that leaves us with a small bottle of water each, we can go a day without food, right?" Deeks stated.

"Yeah, let's see how we get on today but we should keep looking for food and water" Sam said. The four walked back and when they got back, Kensi and Deeks' tent was gone.

"What the ..?" Deeks said. They walked over and saw that there was only two pillows, two blankets and two bottles of water and a note.

"Good morning, Hetty.. P.S work as a team" Deeks read.

"Great, so now we have half the stuff"

"We can make it work" Sam said.

"You two share and Sam and I will share" Kensi and Deeks nodded their heads and the four agents thought about their weekend in the woods.

"Me and Deeks will go look for something to eat" Kensi said. They walked away but stopped when Sam called them back.

"Take a bottle of water" He said and threw the bottle at Deeks.

"Hey Deeks, nothing poisonous" Callen said.

"Why did you say it to me?" Deeks asked.

"Because you're more likely to pick up something poisonous"

"That's mean" Deeks said and he walked away, followed by Kensi.

Kensi and Deeks walked around and after two hours, they found nothing and were getting deeper into the woods.

"Deeks, this is pointless. We're not going to find anything"

"You don't know that"

"It's been two hours" Kensi sighed. Deeks spotted something in the distance.

"What's that?" Deeks asked and pointed to a bush.

"What?" Kensi asked. Deeks walked over to the bush and saw it was covered in red berries.

"Jackpot baby" Deeks cheered. Deeks started to pick them.

"I don't think we can eat them" Kensi said.

"What are you talking about? These look like the ones you get in the store"

"Yeah but ...."

"Look, how about .... before we eat them, we show them to Callen and Sam and see what they say?"

"Yeah" Kensi agreed. Deeks filled his jacket pockets with them. They walked back and found Callen and Sam in the same spot as when they left.

"It's your lucky day boys, we found food" Deeks cheered.

"Really?" Callen asked. He emptied his pockets and handed them to Callen and Sam and they dropped the berries to the ground.

"Deeks, what did we say?" Callen said.

"No poison"

"Yes, and what did you bring back?"

"Red berries, they look perfectly normal, look I'll eat one and prove it to you" Deeks said as he picked one up.

"Deeks, stop" Sam said.


"You take one bite of that and you will die instantly." Sam said. Deeks dropped it quickly, took of his jacket and threw it to the ground and stamped on them then stepping back to Kensi.

"I told you" Kensi smiled. A few hours later, they were all starving. They four of them sat around a campfire and sat on logs that Callen and Sam found. They sat around and told stories. Kensi was sitting on Deeks' lap and they had a blanket covering them. Callen and Sam were sitting in front of them.

"This is actually nice" Kensi said.

"Yeah, it's a break from being shot at" Callen said. Deeks took a drink of water and Kensi looked at him.

"Give me some" Kensi said.

"What? No way. You'll drink it all"

"No I won't"

"Yes .. You will. You always do"

"Oh my God" Sam said.

"What?" Kensi asked.

"We're raising kids" He said to Callen.

"I think they were more like teenagers" Callen said. They shared a laugh but Kensi and Deeks continued to argue.

"Deeks .." Callen said.


"Give your girlfriend and partner a drink"

"But .." Deeks said and gave up. He handed her the bottle.

"Thanks dad" Kensi laughed. She took a sip and handed the bottle back.

"Was that so hard?" Kensi smiled. Deeks looked away.

"It's getting late, you guy can sleep. Sam and I will stay up and then we'll switch in a few hours" Kensi and Deeks shared goodnights and went to the tent. They lied down and slept, knowing that they were safe and going home tomorrow.


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