Into the woods

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This will have three parts. Hope you like it.

Kensi, Deeks, Callen and Sam were in the bullpen and Hetty walked in and handed them a piece of paper with an address  and coordinates on it.

"What's this?" Kensi asked as the team read the paper.

"I will explain everything when you get there at 10pm" Hetty said and walked out.

"Hetty, wait, this isn't in LA" Callen quickly said.

"No Mr Callen, It's not, I'd advice you to go home, get something to eat, sleep if you can and I will see you at the location"

"But Hetty .." Callen said but stopped when Hetty walked away.

"Well, That's not weird" Deeks said sarcastically.

"Alright, see you at where ever we are going" Sam said and he and Callen walked out. Kensi and Deeks followed and drove to Kensi's place. Deeks ordered pizza and Kensi looked up the coordinates on her laptop.

"Deeks" Kensi called.


"I search the coordinates and it's a woods"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah and Hetty doesn't make mistakes. It's going to take over an hour to get there"

"I guess we are going to a woods" Deeks said and there was a knock at the door. Deeks opened the door and saw the pizza delivery, he paid the pizza guy and put the pizza on the table in front of the couch. They ate pizza and watched TV. Kensi feel asleep and when it was time to go, Deeks woke his girlfriend.


"What?" Kensi moaned.

"It's time to go" Deeks said and Kensi stood up and they walked out.

"I'll drive, you can sleep" Deeks said.

"What? No, Deeks I'm fine"

"Kens, we don't know if we are going to be able to sleep tonight" Deeks said as he opened the driver door"

"Deeks .." Kensi said but was interrupted by Deeks closing the car door.

"Too late, get in" Deeks interrupted. After driving for over 30 minutes, Kensi fell asleep. Deeks covered Kensi with his jacket. Deeks drove for another hour and saw  Hetty and Sam's cars parked next to a forest of trees. He parked the car next to Sam's challenger and woke Kensi ... again.

"Fern" Deeks whispered and rubbed her shoulder.


"We're here" Kensi woke up and looked around, she handed Deeks his jacket back. They got out of the car, Deeks put on his jacket and saw Hetty walking over to them.

"Hetty?" Deeks said. Kensi walked over to him and Hetty stepped forward.

"Hello Mr Deeks .. Ms Blye"

"Hetty what's going on?"

"You four are going to be spending the weekend here and learn how to work as a team" 

"We know how to work as team" Deeks said quickly. Hetty pulled out a large envelopes and a medium sized box and handed them to Kensi and Deeks. They looked in and saw Callen and Sam's phones, gun and badges and Sam's car keys.

"Hetty, please. We don't have to do this" Kensi said.

"You will be home soon. Now please place your phones, badges, keys and guns in" Kensi and Deeks shared a look and sighed and emptied their pockets.

"Thank you, now, Keep walking forward and you will find a large open area with two tents set up and you will find your co workers .. I will come and get you on Sunday night and then you can leave. But you can't leave before then" Hetty said and handed them a bottle of water each.

"Do we really have to do this?" Deeks asked.

"Goodnight Mr Deeks" Hetty said as she walked away and got into her car and drove away. Kensi and Deeks looked at each other and started walking. Kensi grabbed Deeks' hand and Deeks squeezed it. They walked through the tree's and Kensi moved closer to Deeks and walked behind him.

"You okay?" Deeks asked.

"Not really"

"I've seen a lot of movies and usually the killer makes it out alive" Deeks said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Deeks.. Not helping"

"Kens, we're going to be okay... I promise" Deeks promised, Kensi sighed and continued to hold onto Deeks. Suddenly, they could smell smoke.

"Is that smoke?" Deeks asked.

"Over there" Kensi pointed to an open space and a tent. They walked over and saw Callen and Sam waiting for them.

"Hey" Kensi said.

"Hey" Callen and Sam replied.

"You guys talk to Hetty?" Sam asked. Kensi and Deeks nodded their heads.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Kensi asked.

"I don't think we are, Hetty picked this place because there is nowhere we can go for food or shelter, we have to stay here"

"What are we going to do?" Kensi sighed.

"All we can do is try survive"

"Why aren't the tech nerds here?" Deeks asked.

"Hetty said they won't be in life or death situations like this" 

"Neither will we"

"The water she gave us will only do us until tomorrow" Kensi said.

"Look,  We all have survived much worse.... How about we just get some sleep and we can sort all of this out in the morning?" Callen said. They other three nodded their heads and went to their tents. Deeks zipped down the zipper on the door of the tent and Kensi found blankets and pillows. She set them up and lied down. Deeks lied beside her and wrapped his arms around her. They remained silent and Kensi faced Deeks and she kissed him.

"I love you" Kensi said.

"I love you too" Deeks replied. Kensi and Deeks lied away all night, wondering what will happen over the next few days.


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