CHAPTER 7 | Don't belong

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Veronica's POV

It's been a few weeks now.

I've noticed Abuelo has got maids and guards everywhere. What does he even do for a living? I'll ask him later.

I've tried getting along with Miguel, but it's proving to be quite the challenge.

The other day Uncle Diego told me that me and Miguel were best friends when we were younger, we used to be inseparable.

What's changed?

Like if we were 'like two peas in a pod' as my uncle likes to say, then why is Miguel being an annoying asshole?

I've stopped trying to speak to Miguel since the other day.


I've been here for nearly two weeks, and I'm only now getting used to where my bedroom is. I keep getting help from the driver, which I later learned was Marco. He has been working for Abuelo for 20 years.

Uncle Diego, and Miguel have been staying here ever since I arrived. Uncle Diego is really loud and funny , whereas Miguel is very moody and I have learned he doesn't like to talk much. Well to me that is.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear footsteps witch I can now recognise as Abuelo's.

"Darling, I have something to discuss with Miguel and you, would you follow me to the living room?" he asks

"Of course, Abuelo." I reply

I follow him down the three flights of stairs, breathing heavily where Abuelo looks Right as rain.

How is this man three times older than me and more fit than me?

We arrive in the living room, and I plop down on the comfiest sofa in the room and get comfortable.

The next thing I see is Uncle Diego walking in the room with Miguel who has an annoyed look on his face.

Uncle Diego Takes a seat next to Abuelo, and Miguel just stands, his back against the wall.

Diego and I stare at Abuelo and Uncle, waiting for them to talk.

Abuelo starts "So, We need you both to communicate with each other."

Diego and I just stare at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean, Abuelo?" I question

"The pair of you used to be so close, Uncle Diego and I couldn't separate you two, We need you to, to start getting along, your famil-" Abuelo was cut off by an angry looking Miguel.

After a few tense seconds of looking at Miguel who was the reason for the silence in the room. He made his way to the centre of the room and looked at Uncle Diego and Abuelo with a cold stare which made me shiver in fear.

"She is not my family." Miguel says angrily.

"Shut your mouth Miguel, we have been over this, Veronica is your family." Uncle says fiercely.

"She left! She is not a Garcia!" Miguel grits out, raising his voice.

"The hell? Of course I'm a Garcia." I say like it's the simplest thing to understand.

Miguel's heated gaze turned to me,


Miguel laughs loudly before speaking, "You still don't know? How can you be this fucking stupid,  what am I saying, you don't even know about the mafi-'' Miguel's angry voice was cut off by a furious Abuelo.

"Miguel, Get upstairs now." Abuelo said it too calmly for my liking.

"No! She is not my famil-" Miguel gets cut off once again by Abuelo.

"GET UPSTAIRS NOW, VERONICA IS YOUR FAMILY, SHE IS A GARCIA." His voice echoed through the mansion. Miguel just looked pissed off but obeyed Abuelo, and went stomping upstairs, with an enraged looking Diego marching after him.

I looked away and took a deep breath to calm my racing heart and looked up at the ceiling to stop the tears from falling. I can't cry in-front of him, he'll think I'm weak.

"Veroni- '' My abuelo tries speaking to me, I can't do this right now. I just ignore him and walk to my bedroom with the help of Marco of course.

I collapse on my bed face first and just scream, letting out all my frustration.

I killed my step-father,

I'm a monster,

Im bruised,

Im Damaged,

I don't belong.




Thank you for reading!!

~ anya ~

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