CHAPTER 36 | Angelo

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Dreya's POV (Veronica's PA)

Veronica is one of the sweetest people i've met.

Of course she can have her bitchy moment, but once you really get to know her, she is the best boss one could ask for.

I started working for her two years ago, when she was the first Donna of the Spanish mafia.

One word to describe Veronica would be powerful. She is the most powerful woman I have ever met. She is so kind and pure, but when needed she is fearless and strong.


I look down at my desk seeing my lit up phone. I had received a message from Zak. Butterflies fly around in my stomach.

I unlock my phone with a smile and open the message.

ZAK: Hello beautiful, how are you?
ME: Hi Zak, I'm good. Hru?
ZAK: Better now
ME: Zak can I ask you something?
ZAK: Ask away, beautiful

Remembering what Veronica asked I sigh and slowly type the message.

ME: Who do you work for, exactly?

I bite my lip impatiently, I can see he starts typing but then stops after a few seconds.

I groan, annoyed, and wait for him to start typing again.

I tap my fingers impatiently on my desk, waiting for a reply.

Zak starts typing again, and after what feels like ten minutes he finally responds.

ZAK: Just someone who owns a massive company in Italy, you wouldn't know them. Why?
ME: I was just curious, you don't really tell me about your life
ZAK: There's nothing to tell

I raise a brow at his response, finding it somewhat suspicious. I shake my head but as I'm about to place my phone back on my desk Zak messages again.

ZAK: So, what are you currently working on?

I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking I should tell him about the Morroto brothers.

ME: Well, we are currently researching some important people.
ZAK: Who are you working on?
ME: Its private
ZAK: Cmon baby, you can tell me
ME: I know I can but you know, its private
ZAK: Do you not trust me?

I am shocked, but I reply quickly, not wanting to give him the wrong idea.

ME: No, of course I trust you! It's just my boss.
ZAK: That annoying bitch? Baby, can't you see that she is just using you?
ME: Hey! She is not a bitch! And she is not using me.
ZAK: Drey, she is ruining our relationship. Making us turn on eachother.

I sigh and pick at my acrylics.

ME: The Morroto brothers

Zak takes a while before responding.

ZAK: Can't say i've heard of them

Before I can respond, he messages back quickly.

ZAK: Gotta go, text you later. Love you

And with that, he goes offline.

And with that, he goes offline

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