CHAPTER 37 | Car Chase

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Veronica's POV

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Veronica's POV

I stare at the bouquet of red roses on the island in confusion.


Why is there a bouquet on my kitchen island?

I pick them up and gently push a few roses to the side, reaching for the little card that's tied around the upper stem.

I turn the card around to face me and I read, It says, 'To Dreya, I miss you so much beautiful, Love Zak.'

How, and when, did her lover boy get my address?

I turn the card once again, hoping for a clue as to its location. However, I see that the corner has been cut off by scissors. Someone has deliberately cut off the card, and it seems like a pretty clear sign that Zak doesn't want me to find the location. Now the big question is - who? And why?

The roses feel cold in my hands as I walk upstairs towards Dreya's office. My thoughts are all over the place, and my mind is racing. There is so much going on. I have a feeling that Dreya might be a good start to find some answers. I walk up the stairs and enter her office.

As I enter the office, Dreya looks up from her desk. She is smiling and greets me with her usual demeanour. It is a comforting sight to see her still here, as if everything is still in its place. Her presence is a relief, especially with everything else that seems to be happening. The office feels like it has always been, the flowers on the desk still as pretty as ever. Dreya looks at you, expecting me to say something.
"Hey Drey, you've got an admirer" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly, and sit down in front of her. Dreya's eyes land on the roses in my hand, and she seems slightly confused. She looks at them curiously, wondering why I am carrying them. They seem out of place in an office environment.

I gently place the roses in front of her and she reaches out for them and reads the card, a smile forming on her face.

I clear my throat and she looks at me with the same smile, "So how did loverboy get my address?" I ask, raising a brow and folding my arms.

Dreya frowns and puts the roses down on her desk gently, "I actually don't remember, I can't remember giving it to him" She says honestly.
I nod, hiding my suspicions. "How come the location was cut off?" I question.

Her frown deepens and checks the small card, now realising the location was cut off. "That's strange." She says, inspecting the card, looking for any useful information.

"Indeed," I responded, staring at her.

"Drey," I sigh, she looks at me innocently, "Please tell me you know what you're doing with this guy, I can't see you get hurt."

Dreya's expression shifts as I speak, her face growing serious. It appears that she understands the implications of what I am saying. My concern for her is evident, and she is clearly grateful. However, her expression remains stoic.

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