Episode 4

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3rd P.O.V.

The Next Day...

Tomo and Misuzu are hanging around on the rooftop during free period. Mizuru was asking Tomo about Y/n and the relationship between her and him.

Misuzu: So, what your history with the new transfer student. What was his name... Y/n was it?

Tomo: Oh, Y/n... you see, me and him are childhood friends from where I used to live before moving here with my parents. Our parents are actually close friends from their high school years so that how me and Y/n met when we were kids.

Misuzu: That explains your weird behavior from yesterday. What about him having scars on his face was he always a troublemaker? And if he is then I don't want you hanging out with him anymore.

Tomo: No! He's nothing like that I promise you. Y/n is a nice and caring person. Back when we were kids, he couldn't defend himself against bullies, so I had to step in for him. He explained to me after I moved away, he started learning martial arts in order to defend himself. I was surprised when he told me, he became a black belt.

Misuzu: Is that so... well I'll be honest I still find him suspicious.

Tomo: Don't be like that! Y/n is a good person, I'm sure you'll like him if you get to know him.

Misuzu: Yeah... no.

Tomo: Harsh?

They heard the rooftop door open as Y/n stepped into view.

Y/n: Hey, Tomo! There you are, I was looking all over for you.

Tomo: Hey, Y/n!

Y/n walk over to the two, noticing Mizuru staring at him intensely.

Y/n: Hi?

Misuzu: ....

Tomo: Mizuru, don't be rude to him.

Misuzu: Fine... Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Ok then...

Y/n lean in to whisper to Tomo's ear.

Y/n: Is she always like this?

Tomo: Yeah, don't let it bother you that much. She is like this to everyone.

Misuzu: You know I'm still here and I heard what you just said.

The two backed away in surprise that she heard them.

Y/n: Haven't you heard of privacy!?

Tomo: Don't be a peeping tom, Mizuru!

Misuzu: Who are you calling a peeping tom?


After 15 minutes of talking, Mizuru got a better understanding of Y/n and Tomo history together but still is suspicious about him.

Y/n: So, yeah after Tomo moved away from our hometown. I decided to take martial arts so I can defend myself against bullies but at the same feeling close to her.

Tomo blush after hearing the last part.

Tomo: *thought* He wanted to feel close to me? Wow~!

Misuzu: Uh huh, I get it now. And those scars are from the sparring matches you had with other students.

Y/n: Exactly.

Misuzu: However, that part doesn't make sense to me since I never heard of a dojo letting their students hurt each other especially leaving permanent scars.

This caught Tomo attention.

Y/n: Oh... the dojo I went was considered the best in town but they were very strict on their training. The sensei from that dojo was especially tough on us barely gave us anytime to rest during break time. And he made sure we spar one another so he can see progress in us or else going another intense training again.

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