Episode 5

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3rd P.O.V.


Tomo was looking for Y/n after finishing some errands the homeroom teacher asked of her. While she was looking for him in the hallways, Tomo was remembering what Y/n said earlier about his past.


Y/n: Oh... the dojo I went was considered the best in town but they were very strict on their training. The sensei from that dojo was especially tough on us barely gave us anytime to rest during break time. And he made sure we spar one another so he can see progress in us or else going another intense training again.

Tomo: W-What?

Misuzu: What kind of dojo are you talking about Y/n?

Y/n: A kind of dojo that show no mercy to anyone especially to their own students.

Tomo: Why would you join that type of school!?

Y/n: It was the only martial school in town. I had no choice; it was either continue being bullied or learning to defend myself even if it ment putting myself in intense training.


Tomo: You shouldn't have done that to yourself especially if you wanted to get strong.

Y/n: What choice did I have? You moved away, I was all alone. I can't always rely on someone to come save me when I'm in danger.

End of Flashback

Tomo: *thought* I just can't believe he went through all that in order to get strong. I wished he hadn't, the last thing I wanted to know is he put himself in so much pain to do so. But it makes me to see, he hasn't changed that much after we separated.


Y/n: I guess it the first time for anyone.

Tomo: You can say that again... hey, Y/n.

Y/n: What is it, Tomo?

Tomo: I understand you joined that dojo for a reason but... hearing what you went through to get strong. I'm sorry I left you behind when my family moved away...

Y/n placed a hand on her shoulder as he made her look at him.

Y/n: It's not your fault Tomo. I made this choice for myself so don't blame yourself for something you didn't do.

Tomo then pulled Y/n into a surprising hug.

Tomo: I'm just so glad to see you again, Y/n.

Y/n hugged her back.

Y/n: Same here, Tomo. And I'm glad to see you're been doing ok all these years and made some friends.

End of Flashback

Tomo blushed after remembering that last part.

Tomo: Hmm... he's really the only boy, who ever saw me as girl even though I acted more boyish than girlish.

Tomo then have flashbacks about Jun who treated her like boy since they were kids even remembering that one memory at middle school. She wanted to show Jun, her new school uniform and show him that she's a girl the whole time by wearing a skirt.

She never expect his response being that he doesn't talk to her for a whole year. For Tomo it was the worst year of her life in Middle school because the person, she had a crush on was too weirded out by her change of appearance.

Tomo: Jun... that idiot. He never once acknowledged me as a girl not even once. And when I tried prove it to him by changing how I dress a bit, he immediately doesn't talk to me for a whole year in middle school. Sometimes I just don't understand that guy...

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