The Soul Brothers at the Grocery Store!!!

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Ruv: Makoto, there's literally nothing here to eat!

Espio: Yeah. We want salads!

Makoto: I have to go to the grocery store!

Gundham: What?

Makoto: The grocery store!

Espio: Why would you go somewhere that's gross?

Makoto: No! A grocery store is where you get food!

Gundham: Ew, Makoto! I don't want food that's gross!

Makoto: No... It's--

Ruv: Why would a store give out food and not clothes?! That makes no sense!

Makoto: No, you pay for the food and then you take it home! Have you guys really never been grocery shopping?!


Makoto: That's it! I'm sending you three to the grocery store!

[At the grocery store...]

Espio: I don't get it...

Gundham: I think it's like shopping for clothes.

Ruv: You can't try on food, Gundham!

Gundham: Did I say we were gonna try on the fucking food, Ruv?!

Espio: Makoto gave us a shopping list. 

Ruv: What's the first thing on it?

Espio: [Reading the list]

Gundham: What the hell is that?!

Ruv: Why is Makoto putting fake things on the list?!

Espio: He's so stupid.

Gundham: [He heard a baby crying] Wait, do you guys hear that? [They looked around to try and find the crying baby]

Ruv: Where the fuck is that baby?!

Gundham: Okay, let's just get the salad and get outta here! This place is weird!

Ruv: Where do we find the salad?

Gundham: I don't know!

Espio: Let's split up. I'll look in the snack section, Ruv, you look in the frozen food, and Gundham, go look everywhere else.

Gundham: What?!

[With Ruv...]

Ruv: Salad... Salad... Ugh! It's not here! [He started shivering] Oh my god! Why is it so cold?!

[With Espio...]

Kat: Excuse me, sir.

Espio: Don't talk to me.

Kat: Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted a free sample of the new flavor of cookies!

Espio: Wait, all of this is free?

Kat: Yep!

Espio: I don't have to pay?

Kat: Nope!

Espio: So, everything in the store is free?

Kat: Well, not the--

Manager: Clean-up on aisle 9! Clean-up on aisle 9!

Kat: Oh! I have to go take care of that! [She left as Espio smirked]

[With Gundham...]

Gundham: I'm never gonna be able to find the salad! [He found the salad] Finally! Now we can get outta here! [He was then run over by a shopping cart] OH MY GOD!!!!!

[Back at home...]

Makoto: [Getting a call] Hello? Yes, I'll accept the charges!

Espio: Hey.

Makoto: Espio?! What are you doing in jail?!

Espio: They told me everything was free. 

Makoto: Where are Gundham and Ruv?

Espio: Gundham's in the hospital, but he's okay. 

Makoto: And Ruv?

[With Ruv...]

Ruv: [He was now frozen in the frozen food section]

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