Emily and Ruv

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Emily: Wow! You're so tall! Do you think I'll be that tall someday?!

Ruv: Pretty unlikely...

Emily: Hey Ruvvy! Wanna watch a movie with me? It's called Nighttime on Elmo Street! I think it's about a guuy named Freddy Cougar playing hide and seek with some kids!

Ruv: Uh... Don't you mean "Freddy Kruger"?

Emily: Oh yeah! Him!

Ruv: Okay... [Sudden realization] WAIT WHAT?!!!!

Emily: Hey! He found one!

Ruv: [He shot the TV]

Emily: ...Papi won't be too happy about you using his guns!

Junko: [Trying to attack Emily]

Ruv: [He tackled Junko]

Emily: Hi, Ruvvy!

Ruv: Hi.

Emily: I made you something! [She gave Ruv a flower crown]

Ruv: Thanks. I also got you something. [He gave Emily one of Junko's bear hairties]

Emily: Wow! Cool! Hey... This kinda looks like that Junko lady's hairtie...

Ruv: Umm...

Emily: Hey Ruvvy, what's war?

Ruv: Umm... It's when two teams go against each other and...

Emily: And what?

Ruv: Umm... And play fun games with each other...!

Emily: That's awesome! I wanna go to war someday!

Ruv: Umm...

Ruv: [He pulled out a Monokuma plushie and gave it to Emily] Alright! Now what are you gonna do with this Monokuma?

Emily: [She hugged it]

Ruv: Wha-- No! You have to punch it!

Emily: But if I punch it, it won't wanna be my friend!

Ruv: Ugh...

Emily: Hiya, Mr. Ouma! Can you play with me?

Kokichi: HAH!!!! I'd rather play with a dead corpse than play with you!

Ruv: [He was pointing a gun at Kokichi's head]

Kokichi: Umm... I mean... Yeah! Of course, I wanna play! I'd love to!

Emily: Yay!

Ruv: [He smirked] Much better.

Emily: [Climbing a tree] Wow! Look how high I am, Ruvvy!

Ruv: Yep. Pretty high.

Emily: [She looked down and got scared] AH!!!! TOO HIGH!!!! TOO HIGH!!!! GET ME DOWN!!!!

Ruv: [He grabbed Emily]

Emily: Man... I must've almost been at the top! (She wasn't even close)

Ruv: [Sigh] Yep...

Ruv: [Holding Emily] I've only known Emma for five hours, but if something happens to her, I'd kill everyone I know and then myself!

Emily: Daddy! Papi! can my new friend sleep over?

Sonic: Well, I don't see why he can't! Sure, Baby Angel!


Emily: [It was raining, and Emily couldn't sleep, so she went downstairs, only to see Ruv on the couch, crying] Huh...? Ruvvy! Are you okay?!

Ruv: Dah? [He wiped his tears away] I'm fine... Why are you still up?

Emily: I can't sleep. The rain is too loud. Why are you still up?

Ruv: Just a bad dream. I'll be fine.

Emily: [She laid in Ruv's lap]

Ruv: Emma? What are you doing?

Emily: Don't worry, Ruvvy! I'll keep the bad dreams away from you, and you can make sure the rain doesn't hurt me! We can protect each other!

Ruv: I... [He smiled] Thanks, Emma...

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