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Minho just stared at the younger in shock.

"What do you mean dying?" he asked.

"I- I have a heart condition, and I was on medication for it, but -" the younger looked down while talking, not able to look Minho in the eyes.

"But what?"

"The medication wasn't that effective, the day we had our date I fainted..."


Jisung woke up and had some small pains in his chest, but he brushed them off. He was too excited for his and Minhos' first date.

The pain continued when he came downstairs, causing him to grunt slightly and sit on the steps holding his chest.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Mrs Han asked her son, who was sitting in discomfort.

"Yeah Mom, just small pains," Jisung said as he rubbed his chest making his way to the door.

"You sure i -"

"Mum, i said i am fi-."

Jisung suddenly collapsed.

"JISUNG!" his mum rushed to, shaking him, trying to wake him up before calling the ambulance.


Jisung opened his eyes waking up in an unfamiliar hospital room.

"What -"

"Jisung, how are you feeling?" Dr. Kim asked.

"No, my date with Minho!" Jisung panicked as he got up.

"Jisung, get back in bed!" his mother exclaimed, escorting him back. "You need rest."

"Jisung, have you been taking your medication prop -"

"- of course I have, what kind of question is that!" Jisung became irritable as he wanted to go back home, back to Minho.

"Our tests show that the medication isn't as effective as we want it to be," Dr. Kim said, scratching his head. "You may need to stay here for a while so we can start a different treatment."

As Dr. Kim was talking. Jisung felt his phone vibrate. He looked down seeing messages and missed calls from Minho.

"You may not have long to live," Dr. Kim finished.

"What!" Jisung looked up from his phone and began to panic again.

"But we will make sure you can live as long as you can with the treatment, but you need to be very cautious with your activities," Dr Kim explained.

Min ❤️

sorry, this won't work out

heart to heart - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now