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Jisung woke up slowly, groaning as the bright light hit his eyes.

"Baby?" he heard a voice say.

He blinked a few times before fully opening his eyes and saw Minho's worried face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Minho, I'm sorry," Jisung cried.

"Aww, baby," Minho said as he carefully pulled Jisung up to sit and caressed his face, using his thumbs to wipe the tears away.

"Why did you do it?" Minho asked softly.

"I don't know... I just wanted you to hate me," Jisung said.

"But why?" Minho asked as he continued to stroke Jisung's cheek with his thumb.

"Because knowing that you love me makes me not want to die," Jisung replied as tears began to reappear.

"The doctors are making sure you live the longest and healthiest life you can, and you have my support, but do the others know?" Minho asked.

"I can't tell them. I just can't," Jisung whimpered, thinking about his best friends' reactions.

Minho messaged Felix to come to the hospital with Seungmin and Jeongin. Shortly after, the boys arrived.

"Jisung, are you okay?" Felix said as he rushed to Jisung's side, with the others following behind him.

"What happened?" Jeongin asked.

"Look, guys, I'm sorry about-" Jisung began to talk.

"- don't worry about that. What's going on with you?" Seungmin said.

"I... You know how I have really bad asthma, which causes my shortness of breath and chest pains..." Jisung paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Well, it's because I have a heart condition, and the medication I'm taking isn't effective." Jisung finished.

"But they can help you, right?" Seungmin said.

"They are trying, but it's difficult to estimate how long I can live without a transplant -"

"What?" Felix interrupted.

"So you're dying," Felix added.

"No, Felix, Jisung isn't going to," Minho said but was stopped by Jisung.

"I don't know, Felix, but I feel weaker..." Jisung sighed.

"I don't understand why everyone wants to leave me, first my mum and now you, Jisung," Felix said as he shook his head, trying to process everything.

Seungmin and Jeongin stood by Jisung's side.

"Felix, he needs our support," Jeongin said.

"Jisung's being selfish by not thinking about how others feel, how I feel!" Felix began to yell.

"I don't want to die!" Jisung yelled back.

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