Chapter Six

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Suzan took another bite of chocolate cake, savouring the delicious flavour seeping through her mouth. It was late afternoon and the house was now closed. She had soon discovered that her new friend, Ezra, was liked by everyone, including the Café staff who let him and Basil eat some of the day's leftovers once all the visitors had left. And now she ate them too, sat round a small circular table within what used to be the old stable yard. The coldness from the yellow stone walls had yet to make them shiver, and they were enjoying the rest before packing up for the day.

Basil sat opposite Suzan, and she glanced over her shoulder to see where Ezra had got to. He was by the counter, a cheese scone in one hand while saying something to a couple of the café staff. They laughed, and he had his usual grin on his face as he left the counter and joined them at the table, delicately setting down his plate.

"So," he said, cutting the scone in half, "What made you come here Suzan?"

She suddenly felt a nervous flip in her stomach. She had been expecting this question, but still hadn't figured out how to answer. Could she trust these people with her fragile truth?

"Not that it would be easy to resist such a place," Ezra said, "a bit of beauty, a bit of history, the occasional bit of hard work. What's not to like?" He then proceeded to take a large bite of his scone, quickly jutting his chin over the plate to catch the multitude of crumbs.

Suzan's lips turned up in a smile, she could agree with that. "It's, um..." she faltered, still undecided.

"It's ok Suzan." Basil said, "You don't have to tell us."

She looked at him relieved. She half suspected that he just was not interest to hear, but it still made her feel warm inside to think they respected her enough not to demand her reasons. But no, she had wanted a fresh start and this was it. Steeling herself for ridicule, she decided it was best to be honest. If she was open with them, they would be open with her, right?

"I was, er, in an accident at my old job." She said quietly, watching them both listening for any sign of disbelief. So far, so good. "Afterwards I....I kept seeing people who weren't there." Chuckling nervously, she looked down at her hands, finding herself unable to look at their faces. She could imagine smirks forming. When neither of them spoke, she forced herself to keep going. "I've had therapy and it's almost better now, but my old employers thought it best I leave. To rest, you know? I'm better now though, and this place just looked gorgeous." When she cautiously looked up again, she did not find the reactions she was expecting. There were no smirks or hidden snorts of laughter. Instead Ezra leaned over and laid his hand on hers, his face showing only sympathy and understanding. Suddenly, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. For the first time, she felt like she had no reason to fear.

"That sounds awful." Ezra said, "from the sounds of it you're far better off here, with us."

"Thank you." She said, blushing. For a moment, she thought she felt an oncoming of tears to her eyes. Not wanting to seem too emotional, she tried to casually take another bite of her chocolate cake. Chocolate always makes things better.

"I'm guessing that's what also happened on the first day we met?" he asked, "When you thought someone was standing next to me?"

Suzan felt the hot rush of an embarrassing blush in her cheeks again. "Yes, I'm sorry. It still happens sometimes."

Basil huffed, "Don't be sorry" he said, "We've all got problems of some sort." He looked over at Ezra, and noticed a familiar gleam in his friends eye. "What is it?"

"Maybe they're ghosts." Ezra blurted out.

Basil clapped his hand to his face.

"I'm serious." Ezra retorted.

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