Chapter Twenty Two

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It was dark outside as the three friends sat at their usual table in the Stables Café. The weather had turned colder as Autumn quickly lapsed into Winter, the heating clonking away in the old pipes as they enjoyed their cake leftovers.

"It's nice to have you back Basil. That must have been a pretty nasty bout of flu you had." Suzan said.

Basil nodded, finishing his mouthful. "It's good to be back."

Suzan placed her fork down, her face suddenly crestfallen. "I owe you both an apology."

"You were doing what you thought was right." Ezra murmured, not looking her in the eye.

"I went about it the wrong way." She said, "I realise that now. I could have got hurt if The Mist hadn't saved me."

"About that" Basil said, "How could a ghost have saved you? I thought you said Mr Snotem was still alive when you left."

"Victor told me they can interact with the living to an extent." She explained, "The Mist more than most."

"oh." Said Basil.

She raised her eyebrows, "You still don't believe me, do you?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "It's a bit difficult to believe."

Suzan let out an exasperated sigh.

"Perhaps you should avoid the ghosts for a while?" Ezra said timidly. "It seems like they've been a bad influence."

"They're not all bad." She said indignantly, glancing to the table on her right. She looked down at her cake and thought for a moment. "But perhaps you're right."

Ezra and Basil smiled.

Suzan glanced to her right again. "Sorry" she said, "You must admit he has a point."

Ezra looked questioningly at Basil, who looked back with a blank expression.

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