Chapter Twenty

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Unbeknownst to each of them, both Suzan, Ezra and Basil each left their homes that night. Each hoping the other hadn't done the same.

Light droplets of rain started to patter on the wooden box clasped between Suzan's arms. Clouds the colour of soot covered the entirety of the sky, blotting out every scrap of light. She stumbled along through the garden. She still wasn't certain if she should kill or frighten Mr Snotem. She was certain that she would need the cockatrice either way. Her only problem now was finding her victim.

Crouching behind a hedge, she finally found him and the slim man stood by the headpiece of Augustus Du Shadow.

"There's no way in." The slim man said, a jerry can in each hand.

"Then break in." said Mr Snotem.

"The widows are barred. They've had troubles with break ins before."

"They're not all barred, you idiot." Mr Snotem angrily slapped the man round the head.

The slim man cautiously looked up at him, like a dog looking up at its owner.

"We shouldn't do this." He said quietly.

Mr Snotem slapped him again. "So far you are not redeeming yourself. Do you want to be sacked?"

"No Mr Snotem." The man lowered his head in obedience.

"Then start setting fire to the garden while I find a way into the house."

At this point, Suzan stepped out from behind the hedge. Neither of them noticed her, the night too deep for the eyes to penetrate very far.

"Stop." She said, rather feebly.

Mr Snotem looked around. "Who said that?"

"I did" Suzan said, stepping closer so they could see her. "I said stop."

He peered into the darkness, picking out the shape of Suzan Lumpton emerging from the garden.

"No" he said, and shoved the slim man further into the garden. "Get going."

The slim man fumbled with the lid of a jerry can.

Suzan steadied her breathing and held out the box in front of her. The rain was starting to come down harder now. She took no notice. The task at hand was far more important.

"If you don't stop, I'll set this cockatrice on you." She said, her voice ringing loud and clear.

"A what?" Mr Snotem laughed. "Stop fooling around girl. No pet in a box is going to stop me."

"Why take revenge in the first place?"

Suzan couldn't see his face clearly, but she could easily imagine him scowling with evil, red eyes.

"This house rightly belongs to my family. It's ours! This land should belong to me. If I can't have this house, no one can." He growled.

"Well, I'm warning you." She said, stepping closer. In the corner of her eye she could just make out the slim man spreading around the contents of the jerry can, spreading it over the lawn and flowerbeds. To the other side, she thought she saw through one of the windows a figure, in the depths of the house. Coming towards them. If it was anyone, she suspected it would be Victor.

Mr Snotem saw her head turn towards the window and looked himself. Seeing nothing, he grunted and rapidly closed the gap between them. She yelped when he yanked the box out of her hands and he threw it to the ground. It fell with a thud and a squawk, landing on its side.

Water thudded onto the wood, little rivulets of water seeping under the tape holding the lid closed. Noises came from within the box. The cockatrice was trying to get out.

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