Chapter Nineteen

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The sun was low in the sky and dark clouds had started to roll in overhead when Ezra, Basil and Suzan walked through the village together on their way to The Shepherd's Arms.

"I think we should release the cockatrice tomorrow." Suzan suggested, wrapping her coat a little lighter round her body against the cold breeze. "It might be a little tricky after a few drinks."

Ezra nodded, "That sounds sensible. But we are doing it."

"Of course."

The roads were peaceful and quiet. The only sounds to be heard was their murmur of conversation and the plod of their feet along the pavement, until they turned a corner.

A sleek black car was pulled up on the curb. Standing next to it were two figures. One, a large man whose bald head somehow shone in the dimming light, was holding the other. A slim man in a shirt and tie, squirming under the grasp that held him by the collar.

"P-please Mathew." The slim man said.

The man grasping his collar glared steel cold eyes at him.

"Mr Snotem." The slim man corrected, "I didn't know they were offering a higher price."

"I trusted you." Mr Snotem whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry."

Mr Snotem hunched over him, forcing his victim lower to the ground. "You are going to help me fix this." He said, "Because I have worked very hard to get that house. Meet me in the garden tonight and you might be able to redeem yourself."

"What garden?" The slim man trembled under his gaze.

"Which do you think?" Mr Snotem growled.

The slim man hurriedly nodded, his head bobbing like a dog on a car dashboard. "Alright, okay."

Mr Snotem straightened up and let go of his collar, apparently satisfied. "Don't disappoint me again." He said, before turning on his heel and getting into the car.

The car sped away across the village, leaving the slim man stood panting in the pavement.

The three friends were stood open mouthed at what they had just witnessed, stuck to the spot by the sheer surprise of it. Coming to her senses, Suzan hurried over to the slim man. "Are you okay?" she called out.

Realising they were there, the man cast them a fearful look and sprinted off down the street.

Suzan was about to go after him when Ezra laid a halting hand on her shoulder.

"Leave him Suzan. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"You must realise what that means?" she protested.

"We can't be sure." Basil said.

In their hearts, all three of them easily guessed which garden he had meant.

"Let's grab that drink" Ezra said.

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